
Hollywood goes to war with Spanish film Industry

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Hollywood goes to war with Spanish film Industry
The war between hollywood and Spanish film industry is not about good against evil, what we have here are trade deals, which are all about money. Two heavyweights of the Spanish film industry, one of the distribution, another display, use the same words to describe collisions between film distributors and exhibitors, which have aired before the public with the recent war and ticket prices the back, and very crowed, and disagreement between Cinesa Kinépolis with Universal on Friday 17th because of the wolf of Wall Street, Martin Scorsese, movie distributed by the major ( Hollywood studio ) and did not advertised two theater chains mentioned. And this confrontation delves into a major problem : the price of tickets was cut, a popular claim under tug was, first, the Feast of the film and now the film Wednesday, with cheap price. A price cut is difficult except for specific events, because who has the upper hand in the Spanish rooms is Hollywood. And it seems that the work is to lower your earnings.
American distributors in Europe takes 35% to 45 %
"With all the crises we have in the industry, with all the layoffs that have taken to survive and ongoing promotions, we can not afford the fees required by Universal”, said on Friday the release of The Wolf of Wall Street Raul Cabrera, director of marketing Cinesa before assuring that” no rule” repeat this policy in the future... a fact that occurred the following Friday with Oldboy, Spike Lee. The Wolf of Wall Street was neither the first nor the second Universal film that did not quite Cinesa rooms. Living is easy with eyes closed, David Trueba, was not released in this chain because the exhibitor required the distributor a higher percentage of each entry. Life After... The legend of the samurai also opened, with Keanu Reeves in a string as Cinesa, leading exhibition in Spain in number of viewers, with over 20 million, 509 screens in 42 cinemas in Spain company - there are 4,000 - screens, and owned by British private equity fund Terra Firma. Universal is the second distributor in Spain in market share, with 14%.


 Tags: film, goes, Hollywood, industry, spanish, War


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