
Hollywood video claims i scratched there disk ?

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So i rented soul calibur 4 when it came out played every day on the ps3 and it worked perfect. Now when i returned the game to hollywood video they call me a week later and say the game has been badly scartched and beyond repair. The thing is I know for a fact that the game was in perfect condition when i returned it and now they say i have to pay the full price for the game which is ridiculous when i know i didnt do that to do disk, and i went there to check the game disk out and it looked like someone took a knife and just scartched it like crazy. So is there anyway i can prove i didnt do this or anything it just really pisses me off when i know i didnt do anything to the disk




  1. A week later? You should ask if anyone borrowed the game after you (which I think is very likely with SCIV). What I think might have happened was that a slob borrowed the game after you, and then must have done something incredibly retarded to scratch the disk almost immediately after getting home, see. And then, because he is so retarded, decided to pretend that it wasn't his fault, and that he just opened the case to find the disk scratched. When this happens, the video store would of course call the person that borrowed it before, namely, you, and make you pay.

    It happened to me, but I knew the manager, who believed me more, and the guy fessed up.

    But thats just what I THINK might have happened based off of personal experience.

    No matter what did in fact happen though, you need a game plan.

    You are going to have to chat with the manager about it. And be nice. no yelling. and you know, maybe wear a nice polo. Give the manager a good first impression. Never hurts. A list of things you could do:

    you know an employee who could vouch for you, maybe get your boss to put in a good word for you, show them all your games and how pristine and perfect they are, bring up your renting history, bring up the history of the slob who brought up the damage(if there is a slob), etc. heck you could even sue the slob (if there is a slob), and make him tell the truth.

    Whew. Lots of words.

    aw thats bull. i put in all that effort and i did it on my bro's account. man i wanted those 2 points.

  2. d**n dude that suck Big time.

    I guess your going have to pay. Sorry =(

  3. alright this is what you do, I WORK AT HOLLYWOOD VIDEO, you ask if anyone rented it after me, because a week later most likely it was a nother customer that braught it to there attention, so they look up the previous member which was you, and pin it on you, standard procedure the customer service number is 1-8-SPEAK-TO-US,

    1 dont get angry i know its 60 bucks but h**l were doing are jobs so dont get mad at the person whos telling you, u have to pay for it

    2 the district manger are lazy for the most part and dont give a **** about the day to day activities of the store

    3 you are not the only person this happens too, your a gamer i guess so you know of the burning circle of death on x360 a ring in the disk so its unplayable, well that happens about once a week on games at my store

    so now i said that look

    did you break the disk scratch it in any way?? did you put the playgaurd damaage waiver on it??

    if answered yes to the last one you shouldnt have a problem

    if no to both then speak with the manager again ask about who rented it next when they returned it same day? 5 days later? have they had refund exchanges before? did they have playgaurd?

    thing that suprises me most is that ps3 dusk scratched i ps3 owner myself have seen very few damaged ps3 games

    call 1-8-SPEAK-TO-US

    explain it too them and ask them to take the charge off

    be informed when you call them, know your account numbr (barcode on your hollywood video card) if you talk to the person like a person and yet speak with confidence, im sure they will work with you and help you out

    hope this helps

  4. Blu-ray discs (assume you're talking about a PS3 game) are coated to prevent them getting scratched like DVDs and CDs can do by accident. So for it to get messed up like you say, probably means someone has done it on purpose.

    I'd tell them to go swing for the money and get the number of someone at there head office to make a complaint against them (and do, take names and note what they imply you did in it).

    What's probably happened is someone else has returned a faulty one, and they've guffed up there, so they're trying to pin it on you.

  5. theres no proof unless u were with someone when u returned it if i were u and i was for sure i dint scratch the game i *** em and give em chit and thats y i only buy games dont rent

  6. i simply wouldn't pay.

    find a new video store to rent from.  

  7. tell them that you returned the game in the same same condition you got the game, ask if there was someone else that rented the game after you, maybe the person is blaming you for it and that if they change you then they are lossing a costumer tell them that your going to rent from blockbuster now...  call customer service not someone that work there at the store they may not care if you go to the competition or try the store manager.  

  8. Unless you took a picture you have no way of proving. However if you know you didn't simply don't pay. If they hassle you request that they get a higher form of management involved, if they're trying to pin it on you that will probably scare them off. If they go through with it, again refuse to pay, i'm sure they'll lose interest. I very much doubt they'll bother to get the police involved, they'll just drop it.

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