
Holocaust question???

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okay so i get the whole natzi hating jews and expoliting/killing them..ive heard some stuff that polish people were also involved somehow. did natzis also hate poles too?




  1. The Holocaust wasn't entirely limited to the European Jews, (although they did have the vast majority of the dead, more than 6 million.) Hitler in his book Mein Kampf, states that the Jews were the primary group that needed to be disposed of, but also the Poles, Gypsies, Communists, Homosexuals, Mentally Handicapped, and other "undesireables." The Poles however are notable because after ther Germans invaded in 1939, the Poles, by most accounts, were only too eager to turn in their Jewish neighbors to the Gestapo. For more information on the Polish Holocaust, a really good read, (and easy too) is the graphic novel "Maus." Pick it up, its really good, and still a comic book for all intents and purposes.

  2. The criteria to end up into a concentration camp was to be jewish, gypsy, homosexual, Freemason, Jehovah's Witness, a POW, disabled, mentally ill  and pretty much any one else who was deemed "unworthy of life". You didn't have to be just Jewish to end up in a camp. You could be suspected of being a partisan and end up in a concentration camp... after being tortured. The Poles (this happened in other countries as well) would denounce neighbors as partisans to settle old scores and some went so far as to become informants and spies to help ferret out Jews and Gypsies.

  3. They were Polish Jews.Fuhrer sliced his way through jews that refused to lend him money for military expences(The bankers that is).So he found this text from the bible that gods people - jews had betrayed him,so he left them.And that gave him the chance to explain the Holocaust.

    Did you know that Hitler had his own bodyguard elite army called  Waffen SS ?

  4. The n***s wanted to take over Poland and when they were resisting they were the enemy.  There were a number of Poles who were happy to turn in their Jewish neighbors and joined in the crime.  The n***s thought everyone who wasn't German didn't deserve full rights as human beings but the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and handicapped were the ones really singled out for annihilation.

  5. It was pretty much all Polish Jews that were killed.  

  6. Yes, but it was all Hitler's doing. He tricked the Germans by taking a Polish prisoner and putting him in uniform only to kill him for the papers to report him as an invading soldier. That justified their invasion.

  7. Yes, Poles, Russians, most of the Eastern European "Slavic" nations were considered an inferior race.

    However, as happens anywhere, there were people who worked for the n***s, basically betraying their own country and people, hoping to save their own skins.
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