
Holocaust "Denial" Illegal?

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Holocaust denial is explicitly or implicitly illegal in 13 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Switzerland. Slovakia made Holocaust denial a crime in late 2001 but repealed the legislation in May 2005. Spain decriminalized Holocaust denial in October 2007.[90] Italy rejected a draft Holocaust denial law proposing a prison sentence of up to four years in 2007, the Netherlands rejected a draft law proposing a maximum sentence of one year in 2006 and before this the United Kingdom twice rejected a Holocaust denial law. Denmark and Sweden also have rejected Holocaust denial legislation.[91]

Why would you need a law to protect the truth? If i deny the Irish potato famine or the slaughter of the native americans, i dont go to jail, so whats the deal with this?

Isn't it odd that we can deny the amount of troops or civilians killed in any country at any time in history, even in this case world war 2, but not the amount of jews killed in the holocaust?




  1. Yes, in some countries (Europe) having certain thoughts (albiet crazy ones) is illegal.  I think we should all really admire Europe for laws like this.

  2. Well, as much as I disagree with the Holocaust deniers, I have to say that I'm in favor of freedom of speech. On the one hand, I can sort of understand why the countries you mention would enact such a law, since many of them were victimized by the n***s. On the other hand, though, why would it be illegal to deny one aspect of history, but not another? People should be free to say or write whatever they please, even if it's not true. That being said, though, those who disagree with them also have the right to prove them wrong.

  3. Well, Mahmoud, considering that you are the president of Iran, I guess you can claim anything you want to be either true or not true and have all your submissive countrymen fall in line with you or face the threat of your wrathful vengeance.

    And I guess the 52 US diplomats were merely guests in your country for 444 days, right?

  4. While I find Holocaust denial stupid and sometimes racist, you raised a good question. Why outlaw the denial of something?

  5. MY Problem is the # 6 million ...where did that come from, if 6 million died how the h**l are there so many of them around today that say the are survivors [themselves] not there parents they themselves, in that case They average 2 children tops, therefore say there brother, mother and father, God Bless them perished that's 3 people killed in the holocaust...this one speaking would be the survivor thats [1] survivor  5999 to go..... the numbers don't jive  as in so many of the things the jews have stated i have a problem to much of what they say does not add up.

    the numbers do not add ''UP''

    Not 4-not 5,,,,6 million...where does that #6  come from ??

  6. EDIT: I just read some of the laws. Okay, that's pushing it too far. They may be crazy but they shouldn't be silenced like that!

  7. Another dangerous example of Political Correctness. Weather you believe in it or not the government should not control the dissemination of information.  

  8. It's not illegal but some in power get awfully mad when people talk about the subject.    A german born canadian was thrown in jail for "hate crimes" when his research showed that the counts of those put into furnaces were way too high.     He didn't claim that the holocaust never happened,just that the numbers were wrong.   Apparently you can't do that.   Anyway, what could it have possibly benefitted anyone to re-examine the subject?    

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