
Hologram theary of the universe? 10 pointz......

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what is the hologram theory of the universe? i tried to google it but the explanations are not clear. please try to explain what it is because it is so confusing for me. could it possibly be real too?

thnxz alot!




  1. When I first read your question, my assumption of the hologram theory was that it stated that the universe was not real, like a big light show cast from huge projector. I did a little reading just now though, and I'll try to explain what I got from it...

    A hologram can be made by bouncing a laser off a 3D object, lets say a pencil. This first laser bounces off the pencil like normal light does. A second laser is shone at the pencil, and this second laser interacts with the first laser being bounced off the pencil. The way that the second laser interacts with the bouncing light from the first can be recorded on a film. After this is recorded you can shine a laser onto a film and see a 3D model, made of a light (a hologram), of the pencil.

    It's sort of like a transparency you would use for an overhead projector in school, but in 3D instead of 2D.

    Now you would expect that if you cut the film in half, you would be able to see half the pencil, right? That makes sense to me. Instead, if you cut the film in half and shine a laser through it, you see a smaller version of the whole pencil. Somehow you can take away the right side, but the left side still knows what the whole picture looks like.

    The hologram theory of the universe says that all particles in the universe act this same way. Usually we think that an electron in your finger is completely unrelated to an electron in the Sun. This theory argues otherwise, it says that any two particles are somehow aware of each other at all times.

    This is strange because we usually think that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, including information. An example of information traveling is this:

    The Sun holds Earth in orbit with gravity. If the Sun were to just disappear instantly you might expect Earth to instantly fly off into space with nothing to hold it in orbit. However, it would take a little over 8 minutes (the same time it takes light from the Sun to reach Earth) for the Earth to "know" that the Sun was gone, so it would remain in orbit around where the Sun was until that information could reach us.

    The hologram theory says instead that all particles are aware of each other and "know" what all the other particles are doing, without having to wait for information to reach them. This means that instead of everything in the universe being completely separate, whether by a foot or 10 billion miles, all particles are somehow connected without delay of time or space.

    I know this may be a bit confusing still and I'm not sure if I understand all the finer points myself, but I hope this helps a little bit

  2. It seems we are in a spiritual matrix...

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