
Holy Cow!!! What kind of person did McSame pick as VP???

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and WHY would he pick her?

She must have incriminating photos of him...or *something*.




  1. Because he recognized what an asset she would be!!

  2. He picked her because part of Bush's block of voters were social extremists.  He was afraid they would sit out the election.  So, he gave them a raw meet extremist.  Hopefully the Reagan Democrats will see through this cynical play and vote Obama.  If not, they will be very sorry when their kids spend part of science class discussing creationism.

  3. He picked her because she's qualified, un-like your Obama who is an "affirmative action" candidate. lol

  4. McCain was just desperate to get some attention on himself. He saw which way the wind was blowing--not in his favor--and he needed someone extreme and radical to shake things up.

    So he picked an inexperienced radical ideologue whom doesn't know anything outside of the Alaskan wilderness and is just the kind of role model that neocons look up to--to further their sick agendas.

    However, his choice completely torpedoed his chances of becoming President.

    Because you know it gets bad when even your home state questions your lack of experience and knowledge of the world around you.

  5. one with courage, faith and ethics on her side...courage to stick with her convictions (like the sanctity of human life), faith in her God, and ethical enough to have the ABUSER of her nephew dismissed from the State Police despite the political fallout...are you SURE good ole JOE doesn't have a few skeletons in HIS closet...better double-check...

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