
Holy smokes, England has gone terminally stupid haven't they?

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After being woken for the third time in one night by a group of drunken and noisy students, Jo Calvert-Mindell was at her wits' end.

The former policewoman got dressed, went outside and shouted at them: 'Why can't you go back to where you come from and make some noise there? I bet your families and neighbours wouldn't put up with it.

'You don't care about us and do just as you like. What gives you the right to frighten my elderly neighbours, cause damage and keep us awake at night?'

She also reported the incident to police, who came and dispersed the eight students.

The 51-year-old grandmother was astonished when four months later she was arrested and accused of being a racist. It turned out that two Asians in the group had complained to the police.

In April, Miss Calvert-Mindell, who has never been in trouble with the police before, was charged with using racially aggravated threatening words or behaviour under section 5 of the Public Order Act.




  1. The subjects in Britainistan need to understand that they only have the rights that government chooses to allow. Which can be abridged or repealed at any time.

  2. She should have called the police, not yell at them.

  3. Buncha Bullshit, I woulda done more then yell, they should count themselves lucky. Plus you know England, they so PC it sickens me.  I went over there and acted an *** and all them was scared to say anything cause of the race thing.  One day, they gonna learn.

  4. The sad thing is that we read these kind of stories now and aren't surprised.  And ridiculous that the police spend time on this rubbish instead of fighting crime.  Well, the crime they fight in between catching speeding motorists.

    As far as England being terminally stupid, if you ask the average guy on the street he'll agree this story is ridiculous. It's the bloody fools in charge who've messed the place up.

  5. How sad that someone who stood up for their neighbors was treated like this, however, in our society today, it seems as if you can not make any type of statement without being called something that can be charged.

    Her comments were not racial, they said go back where you came from...meaning your neighborhood, they obviously did not live in the area or the police would not have had to disperse them.

    Idiocy seems to prevail over respect these days.

  6. so i am guessing that a woman in her 50s waken in the middle of the night from sleep was able to see that there were foreigners and decided to say something that would hurt their little feelings. they were spoiled brats and that was all there was to it.

  7. If what you say is the truth, then she should have pleaded not guilty. The court would decide either way, but they would, I'm sure, throw out the case.

  8. Are you kidding me, that is so unfair, a bunch of us people should go stand outside of those guys house yelling and making a scene and see how they like it, bet you they would have done the same thing, and as far as racism, how is telling them to go back to where they came from is racist, yea that makes me furious, I hope that woman doesn't get anything out sticking up for her neighbors, h**l I think that was pretty brave of her to confront them like she did!

  9. She had no reason to make Racial comments. Just call the police don't insult everyone who is the same race as them just because of culture and skin colour. People don't represent their whole race .

  10. <<<The case hung over her until the Crown Prosecution Service decided to drop it last week, admitting there was little chance of conviction.>>>

    Now the issue is a NON ISSUE.

    You break the law you have to stand up in front of the magistrate, if guilty you will pay the price, if not you are released.  That's how the law works.

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