
Home A/C (central) problem ??

by  |  earlier

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I have two outside (2nd floor) unit is working fine, the other is blowing air, but not cool air. When I'm looking at the unit outside, the fan on top is not turning. I called for a service company to come out, but could it be something simple i am over looking ? It should be noted.....I am not very handy.




  1. if you are not handy, then leave it to the serviceman...most likely, it will need the freon recharged anyway, and you don't have access to this...oh yes, the answer above is good...ALWAYS check the filter first...they can clog the whole system

  2. have you changed or cleaned the air filter lately?

  3. your fan moter quit working.  I had it two weeks ago.

  4. Have you checked your ckt breakers?

  5. The unit outside is your condenser.  It's job is to cool hot pressurized refrigerant gas enough to get it to condense into a liquid.  The inside unit is an evaporator...when the not-so-hot liquid is allowed to expand back into a gas, it becomes cold, and the evaporator uses the cold gas to remove heat from your home.

    I think you can see that if the condenser isn't working, you aren't going to be feeding the evaporator anything that it can use to cool your home.  The problem could be as simple as the condenser fan not working, meaning that it isn't getting enough outside air to cool down the hot gas enough to work.

    However, those fans are usually controlled by a thermostat or something.  If the fan controller is broke, your system might think that the gas is being cooled enough to condense, when it really isn' it doesn't cool and doesn't run the fan, either.

    There are other possible causes, such as depleted coolant from a leak.  You really need a technician to look this over.

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