
Home Grocery Delivery?

by  |  earlier

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Have any of you had problems with Asda's home delivery service? Recently I had eggs that stank to high heaven, most of them smashed, and the box looked like it was old as the egg had dried on the box.Today, the mayo I had delivered was out of date back in February! What's going on with Asda?




  1. Blame the people who work on the department for not getting rid of the old stock. And the people who pick the delivery are told to check for dates. Drivers should also notice smashed goods.

    Where abouts in the country is this asda? Cos my girlfriend has done some picking before.....

  2. If they have delivered out of date goods to you, they are liable for prosecution and HUGE fines. Contact the Environmental Health Dept at your local council if you are interested in taking it further.

  3. I use Tesco and haven't had any problems. All the food is fresh and have good sell by dates. I would maybe switch if they deliver in your area.

  4. I'd complain to asda

    you may get something free

  5. lol.  february???  thats an outrage.

    i use tesco.  maybe switch to them

    in the meantime, ring asda and get refund for bad items.  lol i always ring tesco and say stuff's damaged, even when it isnt!

  6. You will find you will have problems with most home deliveries, not just Asda's. My mother recently booked an online home delivery from Sainsbury's and nearly half of what was ordered (all the best goods) were missing.

  7. complain in person and they will replace them, usually they give you extra as they dont like the publicity.
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