
Home Herbalists... what are the basic herbs that you keep on hand in your home?

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What kind of containers do you keep them in? I use glass for the most part but need a list of basic herbs for teas and for scenting candles, soaps and lotions. What books are the best for home herbalists? I really want to get into this heavily. Any helps would be appreciated.




  1. Snake Oil.. Like a big drum of it.

  2. I don't have the real herbs I just get bottles of the herbs that I need for the health situation I'm dealing with.

    I have not gotten into making my own.

  3. Well it's always good to get into herbs.  The main thing to remember about herbs is that all dry herbs should be kept in airtight containers and also be kept out of light.  Now if you plan to look for these herbs naturally growing then yes you must do lots and lots of research on them.  If not then just reading about what each herb does and how to use them will suffice.  Most herbs do not even interact with meds much either.  There are a certain few but not many.  Most herbs unless its really poisonous and even with some of them there are buffers in them which will prevent you from being able to get hurt with them.  Herbs are much better for you than say prescription meds which are much more "Powerful" than herbs which some people may have you believe the contrary.  

    A few of my favorite of many herbs to keep around for making teas or for various uses is:

    Kava Kava...the root is the best to's best soluble in your spit and coconut milk..very good for if you want to relax or more if you need to sleep...even gives you a drunk feeling if its good kava.  It also makes you very rested in a short time...

    Chamomile.... its good for tea if you want to mildly relax.  Also if your eyes ache it feels very good in a compress over your eyes.

    Wormwood...  I love this one because I use an alcohol tincture of it I drink a teaspoon everyday.  Half water Half moonshine.  It keeps you cleaned out from parasites and everything... Helps with losing weight too.

    Rooibos...  This is my favorite kind of tea because it tastes so wonderful.  It's a red tea and its almost sweet on its on and you can use it as a diet has alot of different good health effects.

    Ginseng... I love ginseng more preferably the korean really peps you up and gets your blood pumping.  Much better than caffiene.  and better for you.

    Ginger.. This goes very well in foods and it's very good for stomach aches and teas....

    Good luck with your getting into herbs.  If you would like to talk about them anytime just Im me on yahoo or something.

  4. Ms Crone, the apex of the heap is John Lusts, "The Herb Book". It contains most of the most important info for more than 500 of the most common hergbs and plants. Also Cunninham's "Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs". I also highly recommend the National Audobon Societie's "Field Guide to NOrth Amercian Wildflowers", The Peterson Field guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs, and the Peterson Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants.

    I tend to keep my herbs bunched and hanging in a darkened area of a room. Yes, they tend to bleach out after a while and become ineffective (after a year or so) but there's a l;ot to be said for having freshly dried herbs around the home. They smell wonderfully as they're drying and add an exotic scent to the home even after they've dried. Dried roots can be held in a zip lock baggie for years, seed should be kept in a paper envelope in a dry spot with low humidity. If you make your own tinctures then you should keep them in dark colored glass dropping bottles in a cabinet that's also way from direct sunlight. Make sure you use the glass droppers as they can be cleaned with a pipe cleaner and sterilized in boiling water. This same thing applies if you make your own essential oils as well.

    Powdered herbs should be kept in tightly sealed canning jars out of the light and they'll keep their scents for use as incense for several years. When they begin to fade in color then just add them to the compost heap and gather fresh ones.

    If you are going to be gathring herbs from the wild then I highly reccomend that you start small and work ONLY with those plants that you can positively identify. For the firast 8 years of my practice I tended to keep my herb collection at under 20 plants and did a ton of research into each one. You would be surprised at how versatile those 20 have been over the years, just in terms of medicinal usages.

    So far, my favorite herbs have been Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Yellow Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis), Angelica (Angelica archangelica), Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis), Whtie Willow (Salix alba), Black Willow (Salix nigra), Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), Sage (Salvia officinalis), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Thistle (Caruus benedicta), Nettle (Urtica dioica), Mullein (Verbascum thapus), Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), and Mint (all species of the Mentha family).

    I have found these to be the most versatile of the home herbal medicne cabinet as well as useful for purpose of Witchcraft.

    Hope this begins to help.

    Brightest Blessings,

    Raji the Green Witch

  5. you need to take a class on herbology these herbs can cause

    interactions you may not be aware of and they are powerful

  6. I agree with new Phm tech, take a course on herbalism.  If there are no resources in your area for such a course, try searching on Amazon for books like "herbal medicine" and "herb crafts" or something like that.  You should look for a reputable source to rely on to keep yourself safe. Until you have done lots of reading and learning, I suggest checking out labels on herbal teas that you can buy in stores, and replicating them - this way, you know it is not only tasty, but it is edible, and the herbs are safe together.  

    As for containers, it is really based on personal need, and preference.  I really like those jam jars with the hinged lid, and I can get them at the dollar store 2 for a dollar :D!

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