
Home Oil Prices Help?

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I need some advice. My oil tank at home is practically on empty. Doese anyone know of a good cheap oil company in Norther NJ. Every person i called told me a minimum of 150 gallons for 3 something a dollar. Which is like $577 and i can't afford that!! Help




  1. 577 thats nothing we filled up our tank at camp not sure size but its huge 2,300 our one at home is around 700 but we also use a wood burner which saves fuel i think the best thing for some one that cant afford is that home heating help i know in my state(pa) we have it not sure about NJ but i would assume that it would

  2. Buy as much as you can afford for now.  You could sign up for an oil company's budget plan where you pay year round for the oil.  This reduces your monthly cost in the winter so it is not so drastic.  
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