
Home School.........

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Im being homeschooled next year because I hate the school I go to and moving is not an option, and I truthfully think it's the best thing for me, I'll be able to focus on my grades more, not have to worry about getting in fights with girls that dont like me(I got in 4 last year) and being able to take on the responsibility of doing everything myself (the school works soley on the honor system, they assume you wont cheat, etc.) but everyone I know is saying I shouldnt do it, my dad said it broke his heart that Im not going to a "regular" school anymore, my friends said that I dont have the attencion span to sit at home on the computer all day, and my bf said its harder to be homeschooled and that Im going to fail. All that negative talk makes me want to do it more just to prove them wrong and I know that this is the best thing for me now, but Idk if it's going to be good in the future, what if when I have a child, they get scared about going into highschool and ask me about it but Idk how to help them bc I only went to highschool for 1 semester (I went to an alternative school the other semester)...what are your oppinions? do you know any possitives/negatives about it? HELP!?




  1. my son finished 8th grade with straight Fs and went into an online charter school where he finished with a 3.5 GPA and went onto a private university with scholarships

    Many people don't consider home schooling thier children, because they are afraid thier children will miss out on socialization. According to the U.S. Department of Education, it is estimated that 1.7 percent of all students participate in a home schooling program. A greater number of parents are turning to home schooling as an option for educating their children.

    This concept once only included the idea of parents assuming the responsibility of educating their own children. Today, the modern home school has evolved to include the use of computers and other technically-advanced equipment. Although home schooling has the predominant form of education throughout history, many people consider it to be a new concept.

    Why are parents choosing home schooling more and more? There are many benefits. You can customize your curriculum (just as k12 does). Home schooling enables students to participate in a curriculum that is tailored to their needs. They can focus on specific areas of interest or other areas that require extra attention. Your chouces are many. You can choose a free online charter school, private online schools, an online curriculum or text book based curriculum.

    You can use different learning methods, so students don't have to sit at a desk all day. They might go on a field trip to a historical place, explore nature at a park, or visit a science camp. There are many free sites where you can learn about the things that you see on these kinds of field trips too. E Field Trips and National Park Curriculum is available for free to everyone.

    Most home school based curriculum is self-paced, so if students require extra help on an assignment or want additional challenges, they can learn as fast or as slow as they choose. In a traditional school setting , the teacher can't always slow down and go over an area that a few students may not understand as well as the rest of the class. This is how so many kids today "get lost" and are left behind. A situation like this is easily avoided at home.

    Having a flexible schedule is a great benefit. Home schooling provides students with more options than a traditional classroom. Students can set their own schedule and learn at any time. If they want to take a test at night, they have the freedom to do so. They are learning on their own terms. Many sites are free offering help for children in all subjects through free worksheets, games and activities.

    There are fewer social distractions for children at home. Home schooling allows students to learn without the worry or interference of social distractions. They are not faced with the social pressures of regular school. They can focus on their work and not what another kid in the class might be saying or doing. You don't have to worry about bad influences that your child might have at school (drugs, alcohol, the wrong crowd etc). If you teach your child a certain set of morals and values, they will not learn something entirely different as they may have in a traditional school setting.

    Home schooling enables students to get one-on-one attention from their teacher. Whether they are learning from a parent or online teacher, they can get immediate attention for all of their educational needs.

    A home schooling program can provide students with choices. It gives them an alternative to the traditional classroom. Whether they choose home schooling for academic, safety or social reasons, they can be in charge of their education. It enables them to create an individualized learning experience.

    For many children this is definitely a good option. A student needs to be self disciplined enough to do the school work daily. If a student is dedicated to being home schooled and can appreciate it, they can be successful !  

  2. I did homeschool and I think it is alot better than going to a public school you can work at your own pace, you can take the time to learn the chapter instead of being rushed or distracted by other. Alot more parents and students are turning to homeschooling b/c the school systems now a days have gone to Sh**. I think you will like it alot better you will just have to disipline yourself to not be distracted by the things around you TV, computer, phone, etc...Good luck and dont worry about what your friends or BF has to say do what makes you comfortable and where you know you will learn better!  

  3. Hi,

    I think you should look at both the pros and cons of homeschooling and decide for yourself.

    I hope the following articles will be helpful :

    The second article is to highlight the irresponsibility. It is in no way an  opinionated article.

    Good luck !!

  4. Your Dad's playing a guilt trip on you so that you'll do what he wants. "Breaks his heart?" That's ridiculous--over schooling? If it truly breaks his heart, then he has some very strange attachments.

    Your friends are either not very good friends, are just saying the first thing that comes to their minds or are trying to say things so you don't homeschool because they'll miss you.

    If you know this is the right thing for you, then do it. And use that nay-saying to keep that determination to do well. Don't let them be able to say, "I told you so."

    You are thinking WAY too far ahead in the future. Do you honestly think that high school 20 years from now is going to be the same? You won't have had experience in the high schools your kids will be going to so it doesn't matter. Parents can't POSSIBLY have all experiences ahead of time before their kids. That's not how it works. You can tackle that scenario when it comes, if it comes.

    To me, it sounds like you've thought this through, you are sure it's right for you, you are determined to make it work. These are all good reasons to go ahead with it. One thing I would counsel you on doing is making sure you have an excellent routine--work comes first--and that you make sure to do things with other people. Homeschooling doesn't work well for those who aren't committed and often doesn't work well for those who need social contact but don't make sure to get it. Take care of that and you'll do just fine.

    For the negative talk here's a little twist: Imagine you were getting married to a guy you knew deep down was right for you... and your Dad said it broke his heart that you weren't marrying a regular guy, that your friends said you don't have the attention span to keep the house clean or prepare meals or raise children, that your best friend said it's harder to be married and have kids than it is to just be in a relationship with somebody. Would you let that negativity stop you? Or would you see it as their little foibles and move on in the direction you want to take your life instead of the direction different people want you to take your life?

  5. I understand your worries, believe me.

    I have been home schooled in and out of grades all my life.

    I met friends in a junior high and I wanted to go to highschool soo bad, it was supposed to help me find more friends have interesting classes ... Point is, I thought high school was gonna be amazing, it sucked.

    The public school system has lowered the standards a lot. Most of the teachers tend to not care about the individual student as they should, they don't enjoy there job, etc... The disciplinary system inside of the public schools have got there fingers crossed all year long that there methods will work, but they honestly don't know what they are doing. The disciplinarians are probably the least respected people employed by the school board.

    I got pulled out of high school during the 2nd semester of my freshmen year. The teachers were horrible and it seemed that at every turn my standards were lowered, my self esteem was being crushed, i was getting into fights, and i had medical problems. There was just no point in staying in anymore if I wasn't learning anything and being miserable the whole time. I had my friends but they were feeling the same way.

    I think that the only thing I enjoyed about that high school was the ROTC program. My commanders were amazing retired Marines who challenged me. They got me to think about my life, about what I wanted to do. They got me to join the drill team and they expected nothing but the best from us. From me.  I found my standards. I found my confidence. I had something I enjoyed doing, that I aced.

    So after I got pulled out I knew what I enjoyed doing and I knew that if someone gave me a challenge, that no matter what I was up for it and I would not stop until I accomplished it.

    Being home schooled you can't take an ROTC class in fact you'll be lucky if you find a way to get really good P.E. credit.

    But the reason why I enjoy being home schooled is because I can control my standards. I find and take the subjects, I add and delete subjects...

  6. The public school system is so controlled these days... it's like prison. im not exaggerating. so do what you want my dad is saying the sames things about me going too!!! but its no ones choice but yours!

    hope all is well - vanessa
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