
Home School transcripts?

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I'm a Home School Student that is finishing up high school at home. As I aproach the next step in my education, College, I wanted to know if anyone could give me advice about how to make up a Home School transcript? I feel like I don't know where to start. Any advice is wellcome and please be detailed in your answers.




  1. Here's a site that will give you details.  The owner of the site is a veteran homeschool mom whose kids are now all in (or have graduated from) college.

    If you've been keeping your records using a tracking software (Homeschool Tracker, Edu-Track, etc.), the software will format the transcript for you.  If not, the above site will give you good information for writing your transcript.

  2. Try  There are printable forms there that you can use.

  3. In addition to the great resources that have already been given, I'd like to make it clear that you can not issue your own transcript--your parents have to be the ones to sign it/approve of it, even if you are the one actually drawing it up.

  4. Might be a good idea to go to a community college, and prove that you can do college-level work, and then transfer to a four-year institution, if that's what you want.  Cheaper, too, and employers will just look at the four-year, where you graduated from, and not even think about the community college.

  5. Try here:

    Best of Luck to you

    Warm Regards,


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