
Home Schooling Trouble???

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are there any good websites for kids grades upto 9.....i have 5 kids who are studying at home by know i am not much good at maths & my kids are very mischievous.they dont listen to me & eat my brain.....tell me how can i explain them & give me a good website...thanks!




  1. Do a search online.   Do a search of similar questions asked in Y!A.   Many links are already listed in answers.

    Many resources are available.

    I don't know how you can explain your kids.. and that eating your brain stuff is just weird. (smile)

    Don't worry.  Be thankful they are home with you...

  2. They ... eat your brain? Are you teaching zombies?

  3. Thats what people get for home schooling. Sorry but home schooling does not give kids the chance they need to interact with other peers. They feel left out . It's natural that they act up the way they do with you. You probably being to Authoritive. I do not want to knock down home schooling. As some kids probably could use too. But I think it takes away from the kids the part of interacting with others. And that in the long run can cause you problems.

  4. Home schooling is always hard to do from what i have heard. I don't know of any website that can help you except for things like ask Jeeves and Google they have helped me in the past it takes some digging into. Keep trying and searching and you will find what you are looking for.


    THat deals with every subjet from grades pre-k to 12th. Also if that doesnot help i would start looking at public schools in the area.

  6. I love Canadia eh. I wish you well in your schooling eh.

    Can anyone teach me proper Canadia speak eh? I'd like to know if I'm doing it right eh.

  7. Are you looking for a curriculum? Math U See is awesome. They will send you a free DVD if you want to check it out. We also use Sonlight for the rest of the subjects. It's literature based and my kids love to sit and listen to the books we read. their site is

    As for them being mischievous well there's 5 of them. You live in a circus!lol! I'm the third of 6 I know it's CHAOS! Good Luck and God Bless!

  8. I was raised in Public School. I have friends who were raised in Private school, and I have one friend who homeschooled her two kids. I am not too familiar with this topic of homeschooling but maybe you could hire a math tutor. My friend who homeschooled her two boys hired a math tutor who taught them their math.

  9. Try Or Maybe It Fun For Kid To Play Game And Test The Speed Of There Brain

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