
Home Schooling parents: Charlotte Mason curriculum?

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Has anyone used the Charlotte Mason cirriculum for homeschooling? If so, what was your experience?

Also, I am open to cirriculum suggestions. My approach to homeschooling is very laid back, so something super intensive is probably not going to be for us. But any cirriculum suggestions welcome.




  1. I have never used it but I have used many different kinds and so far K12 is by far the best in my opinion. It is very easy to follow and understand.

  2. Charlotte Mason is really more of a method, but many curricula can be used according to that method.

    We use parts of CM - the parts that work for us - and chuck the rest.  For example, my son somewhat enjoys nature walks and handicrafts, but on a limited basis - sort of whenever the urge strikes him.  CM dictates daily handicrafts and weekly nature walks and sketching, which would drive my son we don't do that.

    We don't do the picture study; rather, we incorporate art into history and study an artist for a week or so when that artist comes up.  We don't do hymn study, rather we talk about hymns when they come up in church or in a book.  That sort of thing.

    However, we rely heavily on "living books" and I allow my son to mix up his schedule as he sees fit, as long as his work is done.  We sort of take the intention of the method, rather than the letter of it.

    There are varying "levels" of CM - some folks are die-hard and follow it to the letter, which works wonderfully for their family.  Others take bits and parts that work for them and integrate it into whatever they're doing.

    I'd really recommend reading The Charlotte Mason Companion - even if some of the chapters don't apply to you, it gives you a good background from which to choose.  

    As for curriculum ideas, how old are your kids and what are they into?  Literature, projects, nature stuff, workbooks, computers?  Please let us know and we can steer you toward ideas.  Hope that helps!

  3. We are Charlotte Mason fans, but we don't follow that method in particular.  We are more relaxed homeschoolers.  We try to use living books for history and science as much as possible, and the kids love taking nature walks.

    For curriculum, take a look at:

    Some good Charlotte Mason resources that can help you design your own curriculum are:

    Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock

    A Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levison

    A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola

    Pocket Full of Pinecones by Karen Andreola

    Hope this helps!

  4. We have used a lot of the Charlotte Mason ideas in our homeschool and they have worked very well.  We try to read mostly living books.  We do a lot of narrations from the books we read.  We learn handicrafts.  We go on nature hikes and have done nature journals.  We do art and music studies.  We also try to incorporate the idea of "tea time" in many of our afternoons.  

    The best information on Charlotte Mason is the 6 volume set that are reprints from her books.  There are other books like those listed above in another answer.  Just be aware, that each of those is the author's interpretation of what Charlotte Mason said.  Then there are some fabulous free websites.  The Ambleside one is Protestant, the Amabilis one Catholic, but they will give you a good idea of how everything works with suggestions for each year.

    As for how it works...  As with all methods of homeschooling, I think they all work and it is a matter of which one is right for you and your children.  I will say that all 4 of my children are avid readers.  They love being outside and nature, and I think that was really benefitted by the Charlotte Mason approach.  In fact, my kids love being outside so much, that we just purchased a hobby farm.  All my boys like to learn practical crafts, and we are signed up for such things as a wood whittling course.  Most importantly, all my boys LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading!  

    I think one area that Charlotte Mason didn't work for my boys, was that they needed more intense grammar and writing instructions than I think her method provides.  We also did much more science than the Nature Studies that I feel are important, but I wanted the boys to do more.

  5. We have used Sonlight in a Charlotte Mason fashion. All the books are laid out in a chronilogical order.

    It is very easy to use narration with the historical fiction books that are included in the core packages. And geography, vocabulary, dictation and copy work are all taken right from the books your kids read with you. How fun!!

    They offer a free catalog and they have an awesome return policy too. We have used Sonlight for 4 years. It's been great. Each year we use their curriculum a little differently.

    Best of Luck to you!

    Warm Regards,


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