
Home Schooling??

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Im a freshman in high school and i do not have the best grades because at times to always do my homework. During the summer i will be 15 so i will be getting a job. I was thinking of being on homeschooling for my first semester of sophmore year so i can keep my job for a while longer while still doing well in school because i believe that if i was on homeschooling that then i would be able to have alot of extra time for other things. Also while im in homeschool i will still go to school for 2 or 3 class periods depending on if they make me take classes still at my school. Do you suggest that it is a good idea to be in homeschooling for 1 semester? Or Can you give me some Pros and cons of being on Homeschooling.?




  1. I certainly don't feel that idea is well thought.  You can't just stop going to school because of a job.  You need to get yourself motivated enough to complete your school work, then think about getting an after school job or a weekend job.  Don't rush into the work force earlier than you have to...  trust me there will come a time in your life when you sit back and think "man, I wish I didn't HAVE to work....

  2. This doesn't sound like a plan that would work very well.

    Although, maybe you're using the wrong words for what you have in mind. Are you looking to do an at-home or independent studies program through your school? Are they okay with you doing just one semester? Have other students done that? What was their experience? Frankly, for one semester, I don't think it'd be worth it. You'd have a few months to establish a routine, make sure you're motivated, then just as everything's fitting into place (assuming you haven't really slacked off, which you might because you already don't do your homework by the sounds of it), you'll go back to school. If you are working AND homeschooling, you won't have as much extra time as you think.

    If you do "regular" homeschooling under your state laws, then you could have problems. In many states, homeschoolers are seen as private schoolers, and there's nothing guaranteeing that the school will accept your work.

  3. The truth is you won't experience many of the benefits of homeschooling if you only HS for 1 semester. It takes a while to get into a good HS groove. HS works best when it is a lifestyle. I think you will risk falling behind and becoming even more frustrated if you just dabble in HS. If school is less of a priority for you than work, you may have trouble focusing on school at home. Sorry, I'd stick with public school in your case.

  4. homeschooling sucks because you lack the motivation to do the work.. dont do it!

  5. ok im am homeschooled right now and i started when i was a sophmore because i had problems getting up for school i wasnt a morning person and i did better on one on one so i tryed out homeschool i love it and i wish i would have done it sooner you work at your own pace you dont have people looking over you and if you need help you send in a help form and they help you but most of the time you can find it in the books i go to american school i recommend it check them out at

  6. Um what makes you think you will be able to get better grades if you can't even do homework in regular school. Home schooling takes time management skills and you have to know when you have to get your work done. Home schooling  takes the same amount of time as regular school if not more.  Home schooling is good if you know when its time to work and when its time to play, Con if you don't you will fail I have seen it happen to many, you have to really be on top of yourself.
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