
Home Schooling requiring a teaching credential?

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Is it true that home schooling is soon going to require a teaching credential otherwise your child's schooling will not be valid? I am confused on if this will only be required in certain states or nationwide?

Here is an article:

Also, what do you think should be fair?




  1. Haha...CA is wack...that ain't gonna happen here in least for a LONG time...we've got so many homeschoolers here its incredible...So if ur homeskooled and live in CA move to Florida and you won't regret it.

  2. No homeschooling does NOT require a teaching licence in CA.  

    That was one appeal judges opinion.   It is not law.  

    The Gov. has stated that he will not let that happen.   The super. of schools has stated that he will not let that happen.  The Homeschool Legal Defense group is asking for the decision to be de-published so that it cannot be used as a precedent for any other cases.

    Between all those people working against the judge, there's not much of a chance of it standing.

  3. I both read and heard about this and was in shock. I am a teacher. THAT SAID, if a parent wishes to homeschool, they should be allowed to do it without the teaching credential. Period. I don't think this will ever get legislation.

  4. I think it is only in California.  I hope it doesn't go nation wide.  I think people have the right to home-school their children regardless of if they are certified or not.  Home school kids (at least where I live) have to annual test to see if they can go to the next grade and then a test when they graduate.  That should be enough.

    The U.S. is a country of choice and how a child is educated is the choice of the parents.  Not everyone that home schools has the time or the extra money to get certified.  That doesn't mean that they are not qualified to teacher their own child.

    Think about it.  This California law means if you are  lawyer, doctor, engineer or many other well educated professions that you are not educated enough to teach your own child.  I think that is ludicrous!

  5. I know here in CA that is what they are saying. I am torn by this, as I can understand why they would want to require credentials. I worry that parents w/out credentials are not teaching their children properly. But as a parent myself, I also understand the desire to homeschool my child if I chose.

    But, don't worry, it will be in litigation for quite some time.

  6. In Seattle, Washington you don't need teaching credential to do home schooling.  Depends on the state.

  7. There is a court case in California that is currently being appealed.  It doesn't directly affect any other state.  I've been following it closely, and I am pretty confident that the decision will be overturned, and homeschooling will continue the way it has been (no teaching credential required)

  8. "I know here in CA that is what they are saying."

    Actually that has been turned down.  California does NOT require teaching credintials to homeschool.



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