
Home Speakers?

by Guest67041  |  earlier

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i'm thinking of buying the JBL CS6100BG speakers.

Does anyone know if they're any good?

I'm looking not to spend more than $400.00

Also any suggestions on a $300.00 reciever?

This would be a 5.1 home system.

thank you....




  1. Whats up.

       Receivers check out Pioneer, Onkyo, and Yamaha. Speakers are a different story. Your speakers will sound different with each receiver. Find a place that will let you bring back the speakers if you dont like them. A good HT shop will let you do this. Now is a good time to check you local HT shops for deals. Should be good sales. Listen to all speakers in your price range. This is important so that you are satisfied when you make your choice. Good luck.

  2. For receivers, look at an Onkyo TX-SR605.  It is closer to $400, but it is really nice and has great functionality.  If you are going to use these speakers as part of a surround sound system, I would suggest getting a nice center speaker for starters.  Polk has several that are nice and reasonably priced on Amazon.  I don't know a lot about the speakers you mention, but JBL has a reputation of being one of the best in the industry.  I doubt you can go too far wrong if at all with them.

  3. I have an Onkyo reciever as well.  It has been great thus far (over a year).  They do run hotter than other recievers though, but hasn't been a problem just make sure it can vent.  

    I wouldn't hesitate to get JBL, although they are not at the top of my list.  Other brands to consider:



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