
Home Studying: What's the Best Way?

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I just had a baby less than three weeks ago. So I can't go back to school until he is of a certain age. I want to learn German and continue studying my Math in the meantime. What's the best way for me to study?




  1. For math, there's agood online program called aleks. They offer a free program for homeschoolers for a month.

    For German try Rosseta Stone -it's an online program too.

    Best of Luck!


  2. 1 online studing

    2 home studing

    you can achieve degree and be relax

  3. That depends - how do you learn best?

    There are so many resource choices out there for home learning; you can learn on the computer, from DVDs, audio books, text books, project-based curricula, the list is endless.  Do you learn best by seeing the info (reading it in a book), listening to it, watching it on a screen while listening, doing projects regarding the info, or a combination?  If you can let us know what methods you prefer, we can point you toward resources.

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