
Home Theater: Are these good for audio?

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I'm a teen and i live in a house with other people, and i don't want to disturb them with blasting gun noises and exploding bombs while i watch movies and play games. So can these head phones be a good substitute?




  1. Excellent choice, your roommates will thank you!

  2. They look like a terrific pair of headphones to me..

  3. I would never buy headphones at Wal-Mart, they are cheap and inexpensive for a reason.  From the many posts you have asked, I can tell that sound is very important to you.  I would look at going to a Guitar Center or specialty audio video store that deals with quality headphones.  You can even buy 5.1 surround sound headphones also.  I would expect to pay between 100-200.00 for some great headphones that would sound fantastic and last you years.

    Just don't crank them too high, your young and want to enjoy sound till your old and gray, listen at moderate levels and when your older, your ears will thank you.

    Also since using a headphone, if you want to get that real deep bass feeling that a subwoofer gives you, look at buying a bass shaker or transducer, which you place under your seat.  (you will need an outboard amp that comes with a kit if you do a search under "bass shaker"  Anyway, you place it under your seat and when bass in a movie hits hard, the shaker will actually give you tactile bass which will move through your body, giving you the illusion of deep bass without a hint of noise.  These work great with great headphones.

  4. If you're willing to spend that much on Turtle Beach headphones then I would definitely recommend you look at Sennheiser.

    You can get a much better set of headphones through an online dealer for a little less than that pair at Wal*Mart.

    The Sennheiser HD-595 Premier Headphones from Electronics Expo are US$219 with $6 shipping. They will definitely allow you to enjoy source material all the way up to high resolution 24-bit material found on Blu-ray Disc.

    A great investment to allow you to have loud and clear movie or music experiences without anyone around you being the wiser.

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