I just took the big leap and ordered my DLP HDTV. I'm setting up a room in my basement as my home theater and would like some suggestions on how to set it up.
The room is a long (19') and narrow (10.5') and it has stained wood paneling on all 4 walls. I've got a 9' x 9' black leather sectional couch coming for me and my friends to watch the games on, and a 65-inch Mitsubishi Diamond on its way. The room is going to have all black components, speakers, shelving, tables and whatnot. We're in the basement so the lights can be controlled easily.
I'm thinking that the wood-grain might be a little distracting behind the tv. While the TV will take up a good portion of the wall, I'm thinking that I would like to paint the wall some neutral or dark color to simplify the backdrop and emphasize the picture. The Mitsu Diamond has an extremely thin black border around the screen. Are there any colors that work better for this? The TV is obviously going to be the focal point of the room.