
Home alone?

by Guest32610  |  earlier

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I have a friend that was recently divorced he looks after the kids 50% and his g/f leaves the oldest one whos 9 home alone for 10minutes while she picks up the father because the car is full, the daughter knows the 000 number and fathers and g/fs number, she isnt stupid she just plays the playstation, all the doors are kept locked and windows are to, they live in a quite court, and theres never been a problem with her doing it, what does everyone else think, is there a legal age that they can be left at home, she doesnt babysit herself for ages, its only the 10minutes that the g/f picks up the father, if the daughters mother found out, and went to court can she take custody of the father for it, i dont think its that bad, and nether do they! but is it illegal, both i and she would like to no?




  1. in most states kids have to be i believe 16 to stay home alone, so yes tech. it is illegal. 9 is too young! it's only 10 minutes ok. but alot can happen. what if she slipped in the bathroom and hit her head? tripped down stairs? it's not just bad people breaking in to worry about..things can happen quickly in the home. why doens't the guy just drive himself to and from work or see if a neighbor can watch her?

  2. i dont know the law there but if your child is comfortable and you trust them home for 10 minutes or so i dont see the harm in it, i wouldnt do it myself but if it is something you are comfortable with why not

  3. It's not illegal.

    actually, I think there are 2 states that have a law about that.  but everywhere else, there is no law.  Its up to the discretion of the parents.

  4. I'm not sure if it's illegal or not. But I don't see the harm in letting her stay home alone for 10 mins while her mom picks up her husband. As long as she knows to lock all doors, not answer the phone, there's a list of numbers she can call in case of an emergency, then I think she's good to go.

  5. there are laws about this, where I live in Connecticut the law says age 12 to be home alone.

    I wouldn't leave a 9 yr old home alone myself but in this situation where it is 10 minutes, I think that is probably okay. I wouldn't do anymore than that though. It depends on the child's maturity too though. My middle son is 10 (almost 11) and I have let him be home for a bit by himself less than 30 minutes but he is extremely mature and responsible for his age however my youngest is turning 8 on Saturday and I wouldn't dream of leaving him alone for even 5 minutes. He is not mature for his age and would probably even be scared. My oldest are 13 yr old twins and they have been staying home alone for short periods since they were 12.

  6. Sorry but I work with CPS daily, and yes 9 is to young, Arizona law states that it is based on age descression meaning if you child is over twelve or twelve years of age that they are of age to be at home alone by themselves or if you have other children then the law will allow a responsible older sibling to watch the younger kids.  But CPS doesn't think the same and if they are called because of a concern that a older sibling wan\s iresponsible by allowing the child under twelve to be injured or unsuperfised then CPS will hold your jugement iresponsible and take your kids....

    Sources:  18 years child services in Tucson ,  AZ

    But every State is different, so call a child wellfare office in your area and just ask them to explain the laws to you..

  7. Totally confused, what is your question?

  8. Every child matures at a different rate.  My 9 1/2 year old son has stayed home alone for 10-15 minutes before. As long as the child is comfortable home alone and the parent trusts her there I don't see a problem with it.

    I think in Minnesota the child has to be 11 or 12, in Iowa there is no law.  I really don't think that they enforce it much.
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