
Home birth Question - u.k?

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If you have a home birth in the u.k, how many people are you allowed to have in the house/home at the time of birth?

for instance...

Have the home birth in living room - with midwife & husband.

But have 4 friends/family in another room?




  1. What you have just said sounds perfectly reasonable to me.  I would imagine the midwife would only be concerned that you have a reasonably clean and calm environment where she can work and make sure that both you and baby are delivered safely.

    I'd ask the midwife and see what she says - I'm sure she'll be reasonable.

    Obviously if people start wandering in and getting in the way - she will no doubt insist that they leave, but no doubt your friends/family will be sensitive...and besides, they can make the tea afterwards!

    Take care!

  2. its your house as many as you want. but it cant be in the same room

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