
Home birth?

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Has anyone had a home birth and a hospital birth? Which did you prefer and why? Has anyone had a home birth that actually turned into a hospital birth? Why? I'd really like a home birth with out next child, but the nearest hospital is 16 miles away, would you say this is too far to do it safely? What do you get in the home birth kit the hospital gives you towards the end of your pregnancy?




  1. I would go with the first in hospital and then if all was fine, have home births.  You'll then know what you're dealing with and if you coped without an epidural, you'll be more confident to have a home birth.

  2. i am a guy with a pee pee

  3. Hiya - Ive not got my own kids (yet!) but my sis in law had a baby in Jan. She was set up for home birth, had a birthing pool and everything. All was going OK until about 6hours in when baby got stuck and they had to rush SIL to hospital in an ambulance, on all 4s I believe due to the stage of labour she was at! Was a bit of a nightmare.

    Personally, Id love a home birth but its always got a bit more of a risk in case something goes wrong and the emergency services arent close enough

    Read '3 in a bed' by Carmen Reid - mosr graphic home birth chapter EVER!

    Good luck xx

  4. With my first son i had a hospital birth, with my second son i had a home birth, i would recommend a home birth personally, i felt more at ease at home without worrying what to do with my other son, he was snug in bed!, the closest hospital was 20 minutes away, the midwives were wonderful and are fully trained ''if'' anything should go wrong, you get all the supplies like pethidine gas and air etc.. all ready if needed, but you must decide what is best for you because you are going to get many opinions on this subject, good luck no matter what you decide!

  5. Homebirth is a very different experience for most women. It tends to be more relaxed, less pain relief is needed in general and you will feel more in charge in your own home. Most events by far can be dealt with by the midwife in attendance and you will be transferred in only if necessary. The statistics show no difference in safety between homebirths and hospital births and homebirths are so special for most women and their partners.Go for it as long as you remain low risk and have a great birth wherever you end up. I have delivered dozens of babies in womens homes and would recommend it everytime for low risk women. Read Spiritual midwifery by ina may gaskin for good information. Its a bit dated now but still very real and full of wise words. Have a beautiful empowering birth x*x
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