
Home for Elderly Rescue Horse? Please Help?

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Hi, at our yard we have a lovely mare called Honey which we rescued after she had been ridden into the ground and had her fetlock smashed up pretty bad by a polo mallet during her last polo game... She has had nothing but TLC and has come sound and stayed sound for the past 5 years, the problem is that we dont have the facilities for her to have the grazing she needs and the quality of life she deserves.

As we have our own horses we dont have enough time and attention for her.

Does anyone know of any kind of retirement home or somewhere she can go where she will be loved, we dont mind paying for her care . . She could be a god companion or Broodmare, she has thrown 1 foal which is doing fantastically.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Oh, and we're in London

Thanks again




  1. The link below provide links to horse rescue centres all over the uk. Any centre nearby will be able to come and pick Honey up.

  2. You could try contacting the B.H.S as they may have details, also the Veteran Horse Society hold details of retirement homes.  You could try googling equine retirement homes too or you could check out the classified sections in Your Horse and Horse and Hound etc..

    Please bear in mind that the waiting lists for these places are usually long, so if you could find somewhere for Honey then ut would be better.  You could put her out as a companion, at 16, I personally wouldn't breed from her.

    Good luck

  3. This is going to bring everyone short - but it is incredibly difficult to find a retirement place for a horse. She is too old to be a broodmare (several foals required for most investors) and believe me there are queues of people trying to retire off old horses.

    I wouldn't waste your time with the ILPH as it seems to me they are only interested in horses that can be rehomed (in my experience anyway).

    There are a few possibilities in my opinion:

    1. Sussex Horse Rescue, they might;

    2. Redwings, who now have a sanctuary in Essex - they might.

    3. Home of rest for horses

    4. Blue cross if they have a centre in your area. They are quite good at taking horses if you are prepared to contribute towards their keep.

    5. A local owner, looking for a companion, who would be happy with a loan agreement.

    When trying to find somewhere, you need to EMPHASISE that you rescued this horse and provide evidence - all rescue centres are overwhelmed with people trying to offload old horses so that they can get another youngster, something they try to discourage.

    I hope you are lucky, a year ago I would have taken her myself, but my old boy now has a young girlfriend and couldn't cope with any more!

    If you fail to find somewhere, please do the kind thing if you can't keep her and have her put to sleep - don't let her end up on a meat farm - it happens to much younger and healthier horses through lies and trickery.

  4. If you could look up a local rescue in your area I"m sure they would be happy to take her off your stable's hands and give her the care necessary to get her back on her feet, then find her a loving permenant home.

    Until you find such a home make sure to give her lots of TLC, vitamins, and keep her from over-stressing that leg!

    Good Luck- she sounds like a wonderful mare that deserves some attention and love!

  5. i may be able to help you

    i rescue mostly mini shetlands and give them a forever home i have 21 at the moment and love them to bits

    i am located in Norwich Norfolk

    check out mt site and let me know what you think



  6. Yes. " The Home of Rest for Horses " (not far from you) They are based in Speen Buckinghamshire. (40min down M40). I will do a quick search and come back.

    Here are the details;

      The Horse Trust Charity,


           Princess Risborough,

             Bucks.      HP27OPP

    Tel. 01494488464

  7. You could advertise her in the papers for loan as companion or broodmare.  As someone else said, it is very hard to get a horse a place in a rescue centre as there are so many horse out there that need the help.  Also, most charge a fee to take them of £1,000 plus.

  8. The Blue Cross

  9. You can retire horses at The Blue Cross.  It must be good because some top event horses have been retired there and that's where I would retire my horse. :)

  10. How praiseworthy it is that a compassionate family would rescue and lovingly care for such a horse that has been abused and had a tough life! But very sad it is also that after being so well cared for by you that you must now send her to another home! You are willing to pay for her keep though and that is also deserving respect and admiration if you will monitor her keep. I suggest you Google horse retirement farm. There are many offering hundreds of acres of retirement pasture and will care for the horse as if it is their own and they vary in fee and agreement, some having a fee as low as $400 a month and some charging a one time fee as low as $3000 if you relinquishing rights to the horse upon admittance. I do hope you will find something safe and suitable for her.

  11. Contact the ILPH and they will advise you and help search for a suitable home if not with theselves.

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