
Home = generator?

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change the heat energy to electricity in outside or surface of house which hot... all house can be generator? Can using heat conductor to pass the heat to the generator for convert it inside the house?




  1. Not enough to power much.  In a huge building it might be worthwhile.  But it would only work in the summer when the AC was running and there was waste heat.

  2. Energy cannot br created or destroyed.  That said, there can be losses converting one form of energy to another.  Losses appear as heat mostly.  therfore converting heat to electricity is generally less than efficient.  The most efficient way to create electricity is by falling water.  Use the force of water falling to turn a generator.  Waste heat from your house will not sustain it's electrical needs givin today's technology.  Solar and wind power are less reliable but no source of energy should be ignored.  A self sufficient house will take advantage of any and all available energy

  3. not enough heat in a house.  and too many generators will cause problems in our grid tie system.  otherwise, we could all be plugged into the grid.  maybe have special capsules, where our body heat is used to generate electricity.
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