
Home insurance and pittbull.?

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We are purchasing our first home! And we were calling around for quotes. But when it came to the time they asked if we had a dog and what breed he was. We said Pittbull/great dane mix. Then we were told that we might not be able to get insurance through some companys. Why does it matter if he is part pittbull? He has a clean record and about 5 years old.




  1. Dog bites are the #1 liability claim on homeowners policies.  Every company I've ever worked with, has had a "prohibited breed list" where they just flat out won't insure you, if you have a dog of one of those breeds.  

    Foremost Insurance will let you sign a dog bite exclusion, where you both agree if your dog bites, the claim isn't covered.  That's the only company I know of that will do it - and they won't do it, if you're dog has a HISTORY of biting.  

    Now, some people will say, "oh, I got insurance through XYZ company with my pitt with no problem".  I know how this works - the agent lies on the application.  Come claim time, there's a big problem.  So if you do have an agent that says no problem, BE SURE YOU READ THE ANSWERS on the application BEFORE you sign them.  If he marks no dogs, and you sign it, YOU ARE AGREEING TO IT.  So read it carefully, and don't sign a blank application.

  2. Not only pitbulls fall into the category of "biters"--so do chows, dobermans, rotties,german shepherds, cane corso,staffordshire terriers,american bull terriers, etc. The insurers are cracking down on dogs with "bad" reps--doesn't matter if you have the sweetest dog in the world. You will have to shop for a policy that allows the breed. If you go with an insurer that prohibits your breed, and don't tell them, you will find they can cancel your policy and not pay a claim. Stay away from the direct writers--for instance, Allstate has that policy. Call an independent insurance broker and tell him you have a pit bull--you'll get the insurance you need, and be glad you have the right coverage.

    p.s.- Insurers write out some dog breeds with the express permission of the state insurance department-the coverage form is approved by the state- so there is nothing an individual homeowner can do about it.

  3. I can think of no logical reason for God having created pitbulls or Rotties. To an insurer, they are a risk nightmare. One mauling is all it takes to wipe you out financially. That is just like Corvettes and auto insurers. You may be a little old 95 year old lady, but if you drive a Porsche, Maserati or Corvette, you ARE going to pay more for insurance...period.

  4. ES gave you a very informative accurate answer from an agents and underwriters view.

    I'm a claim adjuster and most dog bite claims I get involve dogs like Pittbulls that "never" had bitten anyone before. The problem is that so many dog bite cases involves these breeds biting little kids in the face and leaving scars which leads to lots of medical treatment and large settlements for facial scarring.

    Ignore the idiot who told you to lie about the breed of dog. That is "material misrepresentation" and is a legitimate reason for denying coverage if the dog bites somebody. Then you are paying for the claim out-of-pocket. It's just not worth it. Back 2001 I denied a claim because the person lied about the breed of dog on their policy application and they were on the hook for thousands of dollars for a little girls medical bills.

    You will be able to find coverage, but you are going to have to look hard. Do as ES suggests and meet with a agent or broker who represents many companies to get the price and coverage.

    Good Luck.

  5. Many insurers will not cover owners with certain dog breeds, pit bulls first and foremost.  Doesn't matter how "cute" or "friendly" it is.

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