
Home made cleaners.....???

by  |  earlier

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Hey I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to make some safe cleaners. I have an 8 month old baby so I want them to disinfect but I need them to be safe. I would like anything you are willing to give me but espically I would like to know how to make a fruit and veggie cleaner, a floor cleaner, and a toy cleaner....... I would love them to disinfect and also if possible smell nice too. Thanks so much for your help and time!!! I want my home to be as safe as possible for baby and I also want to be as 'green' as possible!!! thanks again!




  1. These are the ones that I use.  You might try them.

  2. Please follow this link: (if the link is not blue, do this: highlight it, right click your selection, click copy; then click in the address bar of your browser, right click the selected area and click paste).

    It will take you to a web site that specializes in safe, environmentally friendly cleaning ideas.  In particular, you can make various cleaners from common things like lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar.  And you are to be commended for thinking of your child's long term health instead of following the ads you see on TV.

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