
Home made ghillie suits?

by  |  earlier

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are there any cheap and easy....(no dying strips of cloth).........ways to create one such as going to walmart and some party stores and buying nets and artificial weeds to put around the net and on your pants. any suggestions. thanks do a step by step proccess plz




  1. A few buddies I was stationed with made their suits by taking a BDU set as a base, shredding a few old and faded BDU sets into 6-12 in strips, and sewing the strips at midpoint (approx) to the base BDU.  They also added strands of hemp-type rope throughout - for texture.  It wasn't pretty but it was functional.

    You can use the same concept with almost any base and loose fabric that you can buy at a store.  Stick to shades of green and brown.  Make sure to use thick, dark thread.

    Good luck.

  2. If you play Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare* and select the sniper class then you'll appear in game in the most radical ghillie suit and your effort will be only the $40 it costs to purchase the game. And believe me, as a former US Marine Ninja Code Name: Alpo, wearing those darn ghillie suits, or sweat lodges as we used to call them is no picnic, soldier!

    *A misnomer at best

  3. I've known a few guys to make ghillies at home, though a few started with a really basic kit.  They really are simple, if time consuming, to make.  Here are a few websites that spell out how to make them a lot more effectively than I probably could.  

  4. You need to start with a base, like a BDU or flight suit then sew pieces of dyed burlap on the back of the suit. Use many shades of green and a little brown/tan. NO BLACK. Make sure the pieces are a little bit long so as to cover the sides when you lay down (8-12 inches). To do this just lay the jacket and pants down flat and so the back is facing up. Also spread it far enough apart so you don't have a huge build up but thick enough to cover the whole suit so no camo from the BDU is visible under the burlap. On the jacket, make sure you sew the pieces to the back and shoulders, and all the way to half way down to the fore arms (at least) you may want to just sew the pieces all the way to the wrist but it is not necessary. On the pants you want to sew them to the seat of the pants and all the way down the legs. Again, make sure the pieces are only on the back of the clothes. Since you will be doing a lot of crawling you will want to add reinforcing to the elbows, stomach, and knees. Basically sew a tough leather pad to these areas. To make the head dress you need something like a camouflage boonie hat and sew the pieces all over it so they drape down the back of your neck, sides of your head, and in front of your face. Once this is done, drag the suit on the ground to rough up the burlap pieces so it is very tangled and stringy.

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