
Home owners insurance claim?

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Someone broke into my van at the beginning of this month, and my insurance company sent me a paper to fill out, but I dont have the receipts for the items does that mean they wont pay for them?




  1. Did they request receipts? You only need them if the form says you do. They may be willing to accept another type of documentation, such as a printout showing pricing for the same item online.

    Another consideration: what is the total value of the property? Is it significantly more than your deductible? If not, don't bother claiming it. All you will be doing is taking a risk that your insurance rates will go up.

  2. No, that doesn't necessarily mean they won't pay the claim.

    Receipts simply make it easier for them to see, you to specifically file the claim and the adjuster to correctly pay, for those stolen items.

    Not all, yet most homeowner's insurance, is on a "replacement-cost" basis.  Meaning, you will most likely be "indemnified" (made whole, again) at what the cost to replace those items are - at today's prices.  Of course, minus the policy's deductible.

    However, if there was anything rather unique, rare or unusual, determines the replacement value may be difficult; that's where receipts take out the guessing part of the equation.

    If the items are usual items, there usually isn't much need for receipts - especially as most of us don't keep receipts for normal, everyday things.

    Good luck

  3. Make a list of the items stolen.

    If you have a owners manual, box or photo that shows the item (even in the background) its ok to produce that. If the insurance company wants that or not is going to depend on what you list. If you say you had a Van Gogh painting in the truck and it was stolen - then yes, they will need some type of proof of ownership.

    The adjuster will let you know if additional info is needed.

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