
Home pain meds for cats?

by Guest65022  |  earlier

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We have an adult male cat. He has a 1/4 inch wide slash on his front leg and cannot get him in to the vet until Wednesday. What can we give him to make him more comfortable now? He seems to be in pain. It is basically a surface wound and he is keeping it very clean.




  1. Aspirin will kill your cat, and most human medications should only be given upon specific directions of a vet.

    Just monitor the wound, to make sure there are not signs of an infection.  You can take something like Neosporin and apply it, and cover it with a gauze bandage, but he will likely just remove the bandage anyway.

    Cats are legendary for not showing pain, so he probably is not in the degree of pain you think he is.

  2. 9 large arprin or one dose of lead injection

  3. Don't try to give him any human pain killers. Their bodies can't process them and it will kill him. There should an emergency vet near you. Chances are infection (the biggest worry) will have set in by then if you wait till Wednesday. *I meant if infection sets in at all, I don't mean to sound as if it def. will.

  4. He should be ok, there's a cat here that stays outside and we feed him, he comes and goes, he used to come back with all sorts of injuries, one was the side of his head, really bloody, wasn't bleeding, just red with blood, he's an out-door cat, no vet or anything, he's outside right now, perfectly ok, no infection or anything, if the cat's keeping it clean he should be perfectly ok till you take him to the vet, so don't worry too much, but watch him as he will be in a bit of pain.

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