
Home remedies for a premenstrual period?

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alright so my head is pounding ! it hurts soo bad and i dont take pills because they dont go down my throat what are some home remides i can do for this headacheee




  1. drink allot of water!! then go to sleep and then drink more water!!! and if possible go do something active!!

  2. organics will help ;), same with heavy opiates :) glad to help. you could also try some good old rest/recoup 20 on/20 off for 3 hours, turn/repeat. continue this with interspersed administration of original remedies. happy to be of service ma'am : )

  3. I know what it's like. I don't like to take medicine, so I have found a lot

    of ways to cure problems through home remedies.

    I find the best thing to take away a pms headache, is some  hot chamomile tea. and chocolate. the tea helps soothe and relax you, and the chocolate has cocoa in it, which is known to help headaches. [plus it tastes relle good] if you don't like how bitter the tea is, add some honey to it. I always do, and it tastes so good in the hot tea!

    hope I helped!

  4. Bengay rub it on your head and neck. Seriously it works

  5. Unfortunately the only thing I could suggest is to take Midol or Ibuprofen.

  6. hot water with lemon and honey, and a nice hot bath and rest.

  7. take like 10 childrens asprin or ibuprofin. They are chewable. The best way for me is try as hard as i can to sleep. dont cry. No matter how bad it hurts, crying just makes it hurts 10X more. Yeah other people are right, chamomile tea is really good. and baths. you could also try disolving ubupfrofin in a little bit of water then drink it then drink a whole glass of water.  

  8. take midol...just stick it in a ball of jello...or around some bologna...

  9. can you just go to bed...i found this the best for me

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