
Home remedies for male cat with Urinary Tract Infection?

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My male cat has a urinary tract infection and I can't afford to get him to the veteranarian's office until next week!! I'm scared that if he goes without help or treatment, he'll get worse. How can I help him? what about cleaning his crotch with a sterile alcohol wipe? Any help would be great..thanks




  1. oh. it is a bad thing to let it go the open place , and i think you must leave it in your  room , come on , and i think you will see what you want ,  

  2. It is dangerous for male kitties especially to have a uti that is untreated.  Many UTI's are a result of crystals in their urine, these crystals can  block the urethra and stop the cat from peeing, this is a deadly situation without treatment! Try everything in your power to get your kitty to the vet asap!  Don't use alcohol on his crotch as it is already irritated and that will make it worse, make sure your kitty has easy access to as much water as he wants and monitor his behavior closely, if he seems worse (lethargic, straining in the litterbox, crying etc) try to get to the emergency vet.

  3. You need to get him to a vet, and it can't wait.  UTI are NOTHING to fool around with.  It will get worse without treatment.

  4. give him some cranberry juice to drink

  5. my cat had this more than once and me too. He needs antibiotics from the vet. This is very painful and uncomfortable so please do not wait a week. Believe you me if you had it you would not wait a week.

  6. if you have any old human antibiotics you can open the capsules and give him half of one in his food. We do that for our dog that gets ear infections a lot. We asked the vet and he said we could give our dog a whole one which weights 150 pounds. Good luck with whipping your ***** cat!

  7. Please take him to the vet ASAP. This will not get better on its own my cat had one and then died from it cause i waited to long, i will never be able to forgive myself.

  8. Homemade vetting usually ends up making things worse and delay in treatment can mean more costly vet care.  I would ask the vet to hold a check, make payment arrangements, or accept partial payment. This needs to be taken care of promptly to prevent the infection from getting worse. Do not ever give your cat medication that hasn't been approved by your personal vet.

  9. My cat had a UTI 2 years ago. Trust me, this is NOTHING to mess around with. If you wait too long, they will have to go through surgery which cost over a thousand dollars. This is a very serious thing your cat as. He either needs meds, a cathader( sp?) or surgery. It cost me a thousand dollars to fix my cat. I went to a emergency animal hospital though. The sooner you take him to the vet, the better it is for his health and for your pocket. He could die from this, that's how serious it is. He will need to be put on prescription food for the rest of his life after this as well. The food is what is causing him to have this infection. He will get worse if you don't take him.. I'm not trying to scare you, but it is very serious. My advice is to find a way to take him to the vet TOMORROW. Trust me, you won't regret your choice both for him and you.

  10. do not do that! male cats can get blocked and if he urine within 6 hours he could die get him help if not peeing at all....poor potty results you have like 3 days trust me

    cranberry juice may help

  11. Prince of Persia

  12. whoa NOT give your cat any open capsule antibiotics..i understand what the person meant..for the pain maybe?..but that will make a UTI worse. please do not do anything before you talk with a vet b/c you could hurt your cat. dont clean the crotch with anything..that area is too sensitive for that. you could clean a cut or something with alchohol or give the cat a pain reliever for a hurt leg..not for this though..try to have him just drink water and eat normal foods until you get him to the doctor...water will help flush out a little..but you need the proper antibiotics to cure this.

  13. What are you waiting for?!!!!  Take him to the vet!

  14. There are no home remedies for a UTI and cleaning the outside surface won't help. Your cat needs to be put on prescription food that dissolves the crystals or if they are too large to dissolve they need to be surgically removed. There is also a surgery where the vet will insert a catheter into the p***s to get everything out (this is if everything is really bad). Antibiotics are also needed. If you don't get your cat help he will not be able to urinate and will get more sick which will incur higher veterinary bills if you choose to help him later on down the road.

    Your vet will probably allow you to make payments on this one since UTI's are very very serious and must be treated right away. Imagine all the toxins your cat will be storing up when he can't flush it out with his urine...

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