
Home remedies for pink eye???

by Guest60220  |  earlier

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do you have any home remedies for pink eye??

because i have to wait until my mom gets home at 5 or 6 to get some from the doctor and i dont want to have to spend money on a perscription if a home remedie and cure it?




  1. flush your eyes with plenty of cold water by keeping the eyes open.  Do it every 15 minutes.   The conjuctivitis may clear up if it is in initial stages.   Rhus Tox 1M 2 globules followed by Belladonna 30 three doses will clear up the toughest of the conjuctivitis.

    above is information.  medicines to be administered in consultation with doctor.

  2. Visine can actually be quite helpful with this condition.  My eyes react rather violently red if I pat my cat and forget to wash my hands before touching my eyes.  I've had really good luck w/ Visine, and I've also had good luck w/ Similisan, which is a homeopathic eye wash.  I've also used Colyrium Eye Wash before w/ good effects.  Someone downed the respondent who recommended chamomile tea and tea bags, but this is actually an EXCELLENT solution, thank you very much, as is linden tea used as an eye wash.

  3. The best home remedy is to go to the doctor and get a prescription for medicine that will cure the disease.

  4. Pinkeye (conjunctivitis) is usually caused by a virus or bacteria.  Only a physician can determine the cause.

    Sometimes pinkeye, if caused by a virus, will go away on its own.   However, you do not want to take risks with your eyes and your sight.

    Applying a warm moist washcloth to your closed eyelids can help the discomfort and the pinkness, but it won't make the infection go away.

  5. The best thins to do is clean your eyes with chamomile tea, every day. Don't use the same cotton for the two eyes.

  6. Hi. Warm wash cloths used as compresses. More experienced doctors recommend this to their patients, as antibiotics are rarely required. Homeopathy is great, too, but you'd have to go to the store. This may not reach you in time; either way, I hope you're feeling better.

    I'm a certified homeopath with a family practice.

  7. conjunctivitis, aka pink eye, can only be cured with antibiotic   eye drops and you need a prescription for these.  they may also give you something for the itching.  it is highly contageous, wash your hands often, esp when you touch your eyes.

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