
Home remedies for strep throat?

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Ok guys, I'm looking for any home remedies for Strep Throat. I really don't want to give in and take antibiotics and I'll pretty much try any common remedy out there.

I know there's a lot of them, know any?




  1. gargal (sp) with warm salt water.  always does the trick

  2. Strep is one of those illnesses that scares me a little, as a friend of mine found out in his teens that strep had settled in his kidneys and had ruined them.  He was going into renal failure, and had to have a kidney transplant.  So I don't mess around with strep.  It can settle into other organs beside your throat.

    That being said, there are some really strong natural antibiotics out there.  If you currently have strep, I would recommend going to the Dr. and getting an antibiotic this time, and then reading up on natural antibiotics so you'll be fully prepared and ready for the next time.  It's really important to become educated about how bacteria and antibiotics (natural and pharmaceudical) work before attempting to self treat.

    So this time, I would recommend getting a prescription and following it to the letter.  In addition to this, you can supplement with some natural antibiotics such as foods with onions, garlic, raw honey (the supermarket honey is heat-treated, and this kills the antibacterial properties...a natural or herb store should have raw, unheated honey.) and ginger.  Ginger is especially good for soothing an irratated throat.  I like to cut put slices of fresh ginger, a whole lemon squeezed, and some raw honey into a heat proof pitcher and add water that is almost boiling.  Let it steep.  Strain it into a glass when it is cool enough to drink, and sip on it.  I also recommend using a pro-biotic to re-build a good bacterial balance after the prescription antibiotic.

    I highly recommend the book Natural Antibiotics by Stephen Harrod Buhner.  It'll give you a great understanding of bacterias, antibiotics and how to usilize these powerful herbs to strengthen your immune system.

  3. First of all I'm not telling you to not go to your doctor and be EXTREMELY careful because a strain of strep can turn into a flesh eating virus!

    1)Now Olive Leaf Extract capsules I would take and make it into a tea as well. Sliding the capsule apart and dropping it into hot water. It tastes bland,but not bad. There are reports that Olive Leaf extract has been effective on every bacteria and virus it's been tested on.

    2)Honey and all bee products I would take if not allergic to bee products as it all is known to have an anti-microbial effect.

    3)Wild Oregano by American herb and Spice Company. I would only buy their brand as it is by far the best. It comes in a liquid. I put several drops under the tounge and it will burn a little with a strong oregano taste. I swallow a little water first as it will make a dry thought feel weird. So I get my throat wet. Then I chase it with something sweet. There's a company testing this on raw sewage to see if it can purify it because of it's anti-bacterial properties. Wild oregano also has 16 times the calcium as milk.

    4) Echinacea Purpurea I would take if I didn't have an auto immune disease such as Lupus as it boosts the immune system. The best one I found is by nature's way and it's a liquid.

    5}I would drink different juices all day especially cranberry juice as it is known to cleanse system of harmful bacteria.

    6}I would take at least 3 mgs of Spirulina per day unless I'm alergic to phenlylalanine{An amino acid naturally in food that some are allergic to}

    7}Dandelion root,red clover is known help too to cleanse the system I believe.

    8} sucking on the spice clove  kills bacteria from my experiense,but I don't swallow it because it's tough on the liver.

    9) I would also get a tea tree oil mlouthwash as tea tree oil is known to be a strong bacteria killer. TEA TREE oil IS NOT for internal use so I NEVER swallow it!

    10) I would drink green tea from bags only as it is used for overall antioxidant activity.

    11) I would keep all skin areas clean and top them off with rubbing in Extra Virgin olive oil as it is known to protect the skin from bacteria and nurish the skin as well

    FYI this is also in the family of the staph infection on people's faces that mutated into MRSA which had killed people. So keep face and body extra clean and anything you touch around others.

    Also if you start anti-biotics you MUST finish them as stopping early can create super bugs.

    Check with doctor if you like before using my ideas and use them at own risk.

    Good Luck

  4. It's real gross but I used vinegar to gargle one time & it worked.

  5. Your best bet is to go to a physician for professional advice.

    I am not a strong proponent of antibiotics other than those that are necessary.  I have only used antibiotics once in the last ten years and it was for strep.  

    Strep is not something to mess around with.  It is an infection that your body will have a very hard time fighting off on its own, even with alternative therapies such as those that have been posted in this blog by other folks.  Strep can destroy your kidneys and leave you on dialysis for the rest of your life.  Taking an antibiotic now to prevent that is worth it.  

    Go to your physician and let him/her determine how severe your case of strep is.  Let him/her know that you would like to avoid antibiotics if they think it is safe and let them advise you on what you should do and the potential risks of each option.

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