
Home remedies to get rid of an eye twitch?

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It started about 6 hours ago and it's really annoying. It's not from stress or sleep, I don't work or go to school right now. All I do is go to the beach every day and relax, haha! It's not from too much caffine, I just drink water and juice. I don't wear glasses or contacts so that can't be the cause of it. Anyway, who cares about the causes of the stupid twitch anyway, I just want to get rid of it. What works?




  1. Eat some good fresh fruits and Vegetables and get some excercise.

  2. You mean myokymia? It will probably just pass off by itself. Get some rest.

  3. you hae what we doctors call

    aindes defiaceitny

    itmeans you havent got enough light going to your eyes

    if you stayed in the sun all day it would go away

    sounds strange but it works

    rub avocado oil all over the eye and gently massage into your eyes and then go lie in the sun for 20-30 mins and within 3 days of doing that it should go away

  4. I have that and I notice it gets worse when my eyes are dry.  Try some lubricating eye drops and see if that helps.  Sometimes, my eyes don't even feel dry, but they stop twitchning when I use the drops.

  5. It *is* basically stress and fatigue, but it appears to happen more easily in people with marginal potassium deficiency.

    Try drinking fresh tomato juice, or, if that's unappealing, eating bananas.

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