
Home remedy for sunstroke/ sun burn?

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home remedy for sunstroke/ sun burn




  1. Sunstroke can be debilitating, and take years to recover from. If someone has been in the sun and heat for too long, you can make a strong infusion of catnip leaf tea (1/4 cup) and add to a tepid bath. You can also use lavender essential oil that will cool down the body temperature and soothe a sunburn healing the skin much like aloe. (aloe works too). Make sure to replace fluids drinking water slowly (but constantly) and at room temperature. You can then utilize a Yin tonic for longer term recovery of true sun stroke.

  2. spray bottle...white vinegar  water mixture...half and half....spray often this is for sunburn

  3. Aloe Vera, sour milk, yogurt or fresh tomatoes.

  4. home remedy for sunstroke. you will need a glass , a plastic dishpan or container of some sort to soak you feet. in the early morning befor sunrise you will need to gather several willow limbs with green leaves and put them in a container to get  them into a enclosed bag. keep them in refrigator until used. about a gallon and a half of water. can be tap. just before noon take the willow leaves and rub them together in the water until water is slightly green. put some of this mixture in glass. turn this glass upside down on top of your head. this water will boil. you will have your feet in the rest of the water in plastic container. fthe water at your feet will remain cold. i know this sounds stupid, but i worked for me. took about 15 minutes. i felt great./////// i don't know any thing about sunburn except noxzema applied liberaly.

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