
Home remedy to flush my system?

by  |  earlier

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not for a drung test or anything.

just cuz. i dont want to spend a bunch of $$$$




  1. Tons of water!!! Eating raw vegetables and fruits is good. Stay away from fried or anything greasy or too rich. Plain yogurt is good, especially the Activia brand, which is especially formulated to cleanse the body. And drink water!

  2. Burdock Root is a good blood cleanser.  Aloe is also very good.

  3. epsom salt

  4. A very effective and nutritious cleanse is: Distilled drinking water, almost a gallon a day with a little fresh lemmon juice squeezed in.

      Two 8oz glasses of organic apple juice each day. for a total of 5 days.  Do this every 6mos.

  5. fruit juices

    vegetable juices

    herbal - casgarda segrada, senna leaves, psyllum,

    high fiber foods - oatmeal, flax seeds

  6. Well when i ahd to flush out my system ( no details ) I did a thing called electroclean

    Its when you drink a shitload of drinks with electrolights in it

    Such as gatorade

    vitamin water


    And anything else and jsut keep drinking them ( obv drinkw ater 2 ) but keep drinking those things like 3 a day and when your dun your good to go

  7. The best way to "flush out your system" without taking ridiculous useless, and expensive homeopathic mixtures is to take one day every week, and only drink water (And lots of it!). You can do this for as long as you want, and evidence has pointed towards this having many health benefits (Along with weight loss, and flushing out your system).

  8. Start your day, before getting out of bed, with drinking water at room temperature. A bottle of 600 ml, that I keep on my bedside table,  works for me.

    + same as what doctors prescribe/advise for cleansing the colon : no solid food for 24 hours but drinking plenty of water. I would add a pinch of salt. This is a desinfectant and good against dehydration.

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