
Home-school Fund-raising? Anyone have experience?

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My kids and I have some crafts we have made and some we want to make to help raise money for various activities and museum memberships we need for this next school year.

We also want to set aside some of our profits to donate to a local children's charity or shelter. We would check with the organization to make sure they want to receive this help and to be named on our sign. We could also advertise for this program in the form of pamphlets.

We have a pretty good base for ideas but I am wondering if anyone has tips and techniques for a successful money-making venture. We're in the Houston, Texas area and are not part of a group or co-op.

Are there certain regulations, licensing or permits we have to have?




  1. This question came up the other day.  I'm not sure if you asked it or not.

    If you make food, you may have to purchase a state and/or local food permit - which can be expensive.  So I'd stray away from that one.  If it's a one-day bake sale, no problem.  I was a food/restaurant/grocery health inspector in my pre-kid days and in that state you were limited to 7 days of sales w/o a license and/or permit.

    I would see if there are any craft sales going on in your area and rent a booth.  It's typically around $25 here.

    Garage sales in most municipal areas are limited to one or two per year - they don't want people "setting up shop" in a residential neighborhood.

    You could try seeing of Wal-mart would allow you to set up a table outside their doors (this personally annoys me, but I don't like W-M anyway).

    On your signs, flyers, etc., I would not announce that you're HS'ers.  Just use the name of your home school.  If anyone says they haven't heard of it, then you can either say you are HS'ing, or say that it's a very exclusive, private school.  :-)

  2. That is great! I love hearing about folks taking self-initiative like this.

    It is too bad though that you are not part of a local group.

    There are a lot of folks in our area that have a small business or do some little fund raisers.

    I mentioned recently a family that sells Christmas wreaths every year.  Another family bakes bread and does beekeeping.  They sell their goods at a local farmer's market and directly to other homeschoolers.

    Tips? I think that depends somewhat on exactly what you are creating / selling, how much you hope to earn, how long you plan to continue, etc.

    Are their any flea markets in your area?  See if you could share a table with someone or just have someone carry your goods.  Bottomline: You need a place for people to see and buy your stuff.

    Regulations, licensing, permits: I think, unless you expect to make thousands or you are selling food products, you are OK without a business license. An easy way to check would be to call your county clerk and ask. Or, you could post that specific question here in the Legal section.

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