
Home school help????????//

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Okay my mom let me be home schooled last year and said she would never ever do it again,my grandma and I are trying to convince her that I can do it this year if that doesn't work we need a plan B! So any advice on how to convince her to let me be home schooled again and prove I can do it? Any suggestions? Like I know it is wrong and I should have learned my lesson last year but please people help me!






  1. Well what went wrong last year? What is it you intend to do about it? I'm assuming you weren't doing your work, or something. Why weren't you doing it? Did you hate the subjects? Should you substitute them for something different, or would a different curriculum do the trick? Will Grandma homeschool you for a semester to trial? The only chance you have is to think the problems through to the very last detail, and address them. Why not spend some time reading through homeschooling blogs and such things to get an idea of how other people run their homeschooling. That may help you find the balance you need.

  2. Yes

    I am doing it this year

    tell your mom its a lot better than public school you get alone time and its easier to to concentrate  

  3. I would say just focus on what you did "wrong" last year or what might have gone wrong in your mom's eyes. She might not have the same point of view of everything that you do. But once you fix the major problems, if there are any, I would just say compare home schooling to public schooling. Explain to her through your words, not some statistics' why you like home schooling better. Is it the individuality? Is it the alone time? Is it the fact you can think better and do better on your work? Just explain to her why you want it so much and prove to her that you'll work hard and not do a repeat of last year.

    Hope this helps! :]

  4. I'm home schooled, there are so many good things about it for example i volunteer at a vet clinic once a week (I'm 12 and am going to do something in medicine and animals) i also have a pretty large vocabulary and am almost a year ahead of every one else, and I'm NOT dorky!  my sister is also home schooled, she is almost working (she's 14) she can't legally work but shes going to "help out" and get a little money as a "gift" for her work! :P

    my mom is barley doing any thing and I'm getting a wonderful education, you'll have to work hard and find something to motivate you!

    besides you can still stay in fashion but not have a bunch of bullies all in your business!

  5. Gather info on Homeschooling's pluses, and see why she doesnt want to....

    where u rude? didnt do your work?? improve! improve! improve!

    PS there are some online home schools that you can do on your own, and books to do independently, so you don;t need as much help.


  6. First you need to figure out what problems you had last year, and come up with reasonable solutions.  Home schooling requires a lot of dedication; and sometimes time management can be the biggest problem.  If your mom is totally against trying to home school again this year you should probably respect her wishes, it is something that if everyone is not on board with you will have problems.

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