
Home school or public?

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What are your opinions on home schooled children? Should I home school or should I send them to public school?





  2. home school my mom and dad had me in public from kinder garden to forth (im in forth they home schooled me) any way it stunk don't put them in public home school o and i want to tell you i have learned more in the past 2 years of home schooling then all those years in public school cuz when i was younger they were giving me A+ in reading when i was suppose to get a D gust cuz they did not want to work with me so when i was in forth i was reading at about a 2 grade level so don't put them in public school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Well, I was home schooled for a while so I will give experience I was also in public school. There is benefits to both home schooled you have control on there schedule, you can teach them your views and not let them be exposed to inappropriate conversations, they could graduate early. Public school well they learn social skill, meet new people, have more friend, they would have more class options, also better diploma options. Something to thank about is your kid social, are they motivated, because if they are very social then you might considered public schooling or putting them in lots of activities with other kids their age. The children also should be motivated because if they are not they could get off track and graduate late you want them to graduate on-time need more info. just ask

  4. "What are your opinions on homeschooled children?"

    So, according to you, homeschoolers are in one group, and EVERYONE else is in another. Hmmm.... that's a little strange.

    I'm sorry, but, although I was planning on answering your question, that really annoyed me.

    Good luck with whatever you do, just please don't generalize like that!

  5. public school it give your kids the chance to make new friends and be the person they want to be it can also be hard for them to fit in when they are younger and still home schooled but even if you homeschool them for a little while it might be difficult for them to find friends int he future because everyone will already be paired up with other sending them to public school you allow them to be their own person and that can open a lot of doors but you will have to watch that they dont fall into the wrong category!

    if you dont want to take that big of a step compromise and send them to a private school so that they get the chance to make friends based on their own character but they also are in the safe hands and get the correct education that will take them far!! homeschooling is big and you dont want a mistake when it comes to that i say leave it to the people who are highly educated and have a degree!! good luck though!!

  6. if u want your kids to be nerds, not have a social life and not develop in their original way, then i would say homeschool. But i mean come on!!! dont torture your kids, THey neeed to make mistakes in order to learn from them. They need to be exposed to situations where they will learn how to make the right descisons. Dont worry they will be fine. Im sure u are a agreat mother and will teach them in all the necessary ways to proctect  themselves. send them to a public school

  7. I think homeschooled children on the whole are more confident, independent, friendly and respectful than public school students.  Of course that is a generalization and there are exceptions on both sides, but that is my overall opinion.  I would encourage you to do the research for yourself and see if it would be a good fit for your family.  Here's some information that may help:

    Good luck!

  8. How committed are you to making homeschooling a good thing if you choose it? If you will do everything you can and are willing to learn and change as needed, definitely consider homeschooling as your first option. So many benefits come out of dedicated parents homeschooling their children. If you take care of ALL their needs--academic, social and so on--homeschooling is the best thing for them.

  9. Homeschooling vs Public school is a decision that should be made based on the child. Some kids are resilient and can actual BE a christian in a secular environment. It helps them understand the world so that they can minister to it. Some kids need more nurture or need special attention..those might adapt to homeschooling better.

    If you choose to send a child to public school, but feel the education is lacking, there are plenty of resources that you can use to supplement what they are doing, and provide a more rounded world view.

  10. If you're willing to trust them with independence then homeschool.

    If you would rather keep tabs on them and want to schedule their lives, public school.

  11. I was home schooled for four years (fifth through eighth grade) and believe it can be beneficial for your child if you are 100% committed to it. After being home schooled I earned a full high school scholarship and a full college scholarship, which may not be your goal for your children, but my point is that it certainly won't hold them back academically. Nine years later, I now have a Master's in Finance and work for a large firm with people from many different backgrounds.

    My younger sisters were also home schooled - one from first through eighth grade - and all of us had a good experience. I definitely recommend it if you are prepared to make it your first priority. It's a big commitment, and my mom considered home schooling to be her vocation the way a teacher considers education to be his or her career.

    Home schooling did not hinder us socially because we belonged to a home schooling group, played sports, and sang in choirs with other kids. When I left home to attend high school, I became the class president, and many other kids who had been home schooled went on to join sports teams, student government and the like. Yes, there are those who fall into the home schooling stereotype - and you all know what I'm talking about - but I believe that the way your children turn out is much more dependent on the way you raise them and the people you surround them with rather than the home schooling itself.

    I believe that home schooling helped me to be more independent once I went back to a school environment. My transition into high school was very easy because my mother had given me a challenging curriculum at home, as was the case for many of my peers who later returned to school.

    I also think I had a more well-rounded education because we could cover topics like art history and world geography, which was possible because the typical distractions of middle school weren't an issue, allowing us to work more efficiently and cover more material.

    On a final note - when it was time for me to go out on my own, I really felt like I had spent a full childhood with my family, and no one had any regrets about the amount of time we spent together. All in all, I would say that home schooling made my family closer because it encouraged us to work as a team. Your kids will see you frustrated at times, and you may see them frustrated too, so the important thing is for you to explain to your children that they will need to support you the way you are supporting them. You will definitely miss your alone time, so perhaps set aside certain times of the week that are your Mom Times when you can get some other things done or just have some quiet. Your schedule, like home schooling itself, is entirely up to you and can be changed over time.

  12. HOMESCHOOL ALL THE WAY!! It is way safer and you know your kids much better and you can find their weeknesses and their strengths and make sure they are nit ignored or skipped when learning things. I have a lot of exsperiance and there are 10 kids in my family!

  13. to tell you the truth i would recommend homeschooling because you can see the childs progress and help on what ever he needs help with. public school is fun but learning is not about fun it is about whether your child will do good so that he may get into good university. my little sister was put into homeschooling at an early age and im happy to say she zooming by all the other kids her age so homeschooling would defintley be the best

  14. That's a personal choice. Your circumstances might be different from other peoples. Things you should consider are...

    1. Why you are considering it?

    2. How are the schools in my area? (some areas are better than others)

    3. Do you move around a lot? (we do, that was a large part of our decision)

    4. Do you feel confident in your abilities? (don't worry about a little insecurity, that's normal)

    5. Would your child thrive being taught at home?

    Do some research, read some books, go to a couple of meetings for homeschooling families and talk to them. Then you should be able to make that decision on your own and feel comfortable with your decision.

    Good Luck, it's not easy taking that first step.
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