I am a certified violin teacher with many years of experience teaching private lessons and public school strings classes. Currently I stay home with my small children and teach lessons just a few hours per week. Since I have become interested in home schooling my own children when they are a little older, I have come up with an idea for creating a beginning violin class for home school children - initially those in the 4th - 7th grade range, and possibly expanding from there. Essentially it would be a semester-long exploratory violin class for groups of 8-12 children, meeting during school-day hours. It would be similar to what I taught the first semester of classes in the public school, but more in-depth. We would meet for 1 hour and 15 minutes once per week, with homework assignments. At the end of the semester there would be a performance. The cost would be about $225 for 4 months, plus instrument rental (approx. $20/month).