
Home schooled help:(?

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My parents just started home schooling me and I hate it. I'm so bored!! If you are home schooled or know someone who is home schooled, how do you deal with all of your extra time? All of my friends are at school so I have nothing to do when i'm not doing work. Help?





  1. There will be a homeschooling group somewhere near your area...a way to meet other homeschooled kids...your parents should really have looked into that before they took you out! You should google for your nearest group and have your parents get in touch with them.

  2. Only boring people get bored.  Are you boring?  Then find something to do!

    Get a volunteer position.  What do you want to do when you grow up?  If you want to be a nurse, look into volunteering at a hospital.  If you want to work with animals, look into volunteering at the SPCA or some sort of refuge, etc. near you.

    You may be able to get a part time job.  It depends on the laws where you live, because some restrict minors from working during school hours.  Try people you know, such as your veterinarian's office, if you do not wnat the traditional grocery store clerk type job.  Also check with a daycare.  Y ou might be able to count these activitiies (volunteering and job) as part of your schooling as well.

    Get memberships at your local zoo, aquarium, museum, county park.  Make good use of them!  They are fun AND educational.  Visit your library a lot.

    Join a homeschool group.  Visit and type in "MyCity Homeschool" and I bet one will pop up that is near you!  They get together for field trips, coop classes, and a variety of other activities.  There are bound to be others you will make friends with, and can hang out with while your public school friends are still at school.

    Take up a hobby.  Perhaps you could create items to sell and earn money, maybe you could learn to knit or sew.  How about gardening?

    Spend your time researching colleges, so you can decide what path you want to take and what you need to do to get there.  You can also research scholarships, grants, etc. that are available to you-even if it is early atleast you will have an idea later.

    I hope this helps, and I wish you the best!

  3. When we took our son out of school in seventh grade, he went through the same period of not knowing what to do with his time - that is, being b-o-r-e-d!!! We started out by finding him some workbooks to do, a jigsaw puzzle to work on, a journal to keep, a plant to tend to and some books to read, to gently break him out of a standard school structure and into a more self-guided style of learning.

    From there, he figured out what he truly enjoyed doing, became more involved in online gaming to connect with his friends as well as make new ones, and even resetting his internal clock to a more natural sleeping pattern.

    What I would suggest is to seriously allow yourself to daydream a little. I'm sure you did that even a little when you were in school, about a boy or girl you liked, how you wish you looked, what your future will be like, and even just what you wanted to do as soon as the bell rang. Use your boredom to your advantage! One thing our son discovered, that I don't know if he would have otherwise, is he really loves baking brownies when there's "nothing good to eat". I have to tell you, they are absolute heaven, and his dad and I sometimes purposely don't buy any snacks so he'll make us some!!! :)

  4. I really don't have all that much extra time. I'm envolved in tons of clubs and extracurricular activities, and I'm taking classes in the community in things like art and music.

    What you should do is join your local homeschool support group. These are great. They usually offer thiings like small group classes, field trips, field days, clubs, sports, activities, dances, prom, news paper, yearbook, and tons more, and the great thing about getting into homeschool activities and making friends with homeschoolers is that you can see them even while your other friends are still at school.
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