
Home schooled (starting 9th grade) no friends=(?

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I started being homescooled when i moved to Delaware about a year and a half ago. I really like it but there is a problem....Ihave no friends..

I'm thinking about going to a YMCA or something like that but it is really hard for me to talk to people. I'm really shy so I can't easily start a conversation. My brother is probably coming too He can very easily make friends, the thing is that he doesn't want to, he just wants to go bak to our hometown. Which we can't until about a year fromnow.

So, what should i do!?

should I go to the YMCA or some kind of club?

Is it worth it to have a friend?..or friends even though I'm leaving?

Something else...I'm not from the U.S so my accent is different and I sometimes get the feeling that people don't like me bcuz of that...Should I worry about this?

Please help me!




  1. I think you should look into going to the YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, local community or youth center, local library activities, summer camps and programs, ad most importantly FIND AND JOIN YOUR LOCAL HOMESCHOOL GROUP (google "Homeschool Groups <your area>"). Even if you're shy and nervous about making friends, doing all of this will at least give you some fun anad interesting things to do. Friends will just come naturally from there. You'll find that when you're engaged in something with a agroup of other kids and you're all having fun, you'll just naturally start to come out of your shell. And if you join clubs and programs and the like you wont have to worry too much about finding things in common. You already have at least one thing in common with all the kids involved in the same activity, right? Homeschool groups can help you emensely as well since they usually offer so many educational and social activities for other homeschoolers who are typically a lot more open minded about making friends with a wide variety of different people than most teenagers are. Someting else you can do to find other things to get involved in is to google "<your area> Parks and Recreation) to find out what else is around you. Don't worry about moving soon. There's a good chance you'll make some long lasting friendships and can stay in touch via phone, e-mail, andmaybe visit now and then, and this will at least help you get out of that shell so that you'll be able to make friends anywhere you go. Good luck!

  2. If someone doesn't like you based on your accent, they are not worth having as a friend to begin with. I know being shy is hard and I applaud you for wanting to try! Definitely get out there and meet people. Friends are great to have and true ones are worth their weight in gold. I think you have the right idea about starting with the YMCA. You can also look into joining your local home school support group. Some other choices are 4-H or even Girl Scouts. Good luck to you. :)

  3. yeah why not make some friends,just try not to get too attatched incase you move and if you think you are,then just stay in contact with them or something...ive had sorta the same problem,ive been homeschooled since 3rd grade and its really hard for me sometimes to talk to people,too and i didnt have friends (still dont actually lol :-<)lol....maybe ask you're brother if he could come with you or shouldn't be a problem for him if its easy for him to make friends and he should help you! lol..dont be so afraid...just find somebody to help you with you're shyness....or try doing things you havent before cuz maybe you were too shy,it wont go away if you dont take action against it...believe me lol....hope i helped some.

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