
Home schooling in pa?

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I am thinking that I want to home school my kids for kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade. I would start sending them to school in 3rd grade. I am wondering though, in PA, do they test home school kids to determine grade placement? Or would they automatically go into 3rd grade? I have looked around but can't seem to find the answer anywhere.




  1. Check with your local school board.  They'll be able to answer all of these questions for you.  Each district has their own rules and regulations to follow.

  2. In response to what Prima b said, you do not have to submit the affadavit unless your child is 8 before or within the first 2 weeks of the start of school if he/she has never been enrolled in a public or private school before. Compulsory age in PA starts at 8. You can check the laws at

    I wonder why wait until 3rd if you plan to send them away to school eventually?

  3. They test in grades 3, 5, 8, and maybe 11th.

    You need to go to your local district office and fill out a packet and get it notorized, then keep a log of all work done during homeschooling, and at the end of the year, you must have a certified teacher to review your work at sign something saying it is acedemically adequate.

  4. ask the local school distric they would be going to.

  5. I just started homeschooling my kids.. we live in PA.

    When they are sent back to public school they are tested in.. to see what grade they will be in.

    Talk to the school, they will also let you use the books your kids are using in school.

  6. yes they always test to find grade level call your local education dept or talk with your public school

  7. ya it does...if you lived till 250 years old you would see everybody family, KIDS, friends die around you...As a parent would you want that....thats what the question is about

    In response to your question call the board of education in your state
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