
Home schooling is very good is this true?

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My sister is in 11 th & She dosent even spend 7 hours a day in home therefore I need some help me.Me too suffered same problem but I managed it




  1. I'm sure I will get a thumbs down from a lot of people who think home schooling is wonderful, but I don't agree with it in most cases.  I agree with it in some cases if the parent who is home schooling is a college degreed educator and is absolutely certain that their child/children are receptive to learning from them.  There is a reason that teachers need a college degree and a license...  Unfortunately there are too many people who think they are qualified just because they love their child and think they know what is best for them - sometimes it hurts the learning as well as their social development.  I like parochial/religious schools if you can manage that.  They get a good education, but are still being taught by qualified, caring individuals.  I went this route with my child when I realized that the public school system wasn't the right place for him.  He is doing great!  Good luck!


    Oooooh - I was ready for all the thumbs down.

    You can spew all the facts you want - I was under the impression we were asked for our opinion.  That is mine.  Sorry you have to give me a thumbs down because I don't agree with you.

    I am in a position where I meet with the public and have met far too many home schoolers who have no business teaching - some of them wouldn't pass 4th grade level courses themselves.  My favorite was the one who made a list for me and mentioned all of her "pitchers" meaning "pictures".  Scary.  I am quite educated but am aware of my limitations and don't feel that I am the best choice to be my child's teacher even though I am the best choice as his mother and couldn't love him more than I do:)

    I can't believe how worked up everyone has gotten & totally pushed my remarks to their extreme.  My statement in a nutshell is that some people are equipped to home school and many aren't up to the task.

  2. of course home schooling is good, but i dnt no wat u want to explain in ur details plz add/clarify more

  3. Mrs. Goddess,

    Research has not backed up your opinion, so while you are certainly free to offer your thoughts, be aware they aren't backed up by facts.  See below:

    See this article today in the Washington Times

    Statistics cited there include

    "Recent results from ACT show home-schoolers have scored above the national average for the past 10 years, which helps show that home-schoolers are well-prepared for college.

    National Merit Scholarship Program

    1.4 million initial entrants are screened per year and about 16,000 students nationwide qualify as semifinalists,

    The NMS program has seen a dramatic increase in the number of home-schoolers who place as finalists. Of the 248 home-schoolers among the 2003 semifinalists, 129 of these students advanced to finalist standing, receiving the National Merit Scholarship.

    The number of home-schoolers receiving National Merit Scholarships has increased more than 500 percent: from 21 in 1995 to 129 in 2003.

    For 2008 there are 237 home-school semifinalists.

    The fact that home-schoolers consistently achieve at the highest levels shows that a parent-directed education should be taken seriously by the education establishment.

    Parents are capable, and home-schooling has proven itself to be more than a blip on the radar. In fact, home-schooling is showing itself to be an enduring force that has the potential to transform American education.

    Continuing success with the NMS program simply is further evidence that parents can teach their own children to the highest level. It also shows that there's nothing inherently superior to an institutional school.

    Parents, using their own resources, and their own time, can achieve impressive results."

  4. I was home schooled and it was great!

  5. Home education can be very good but it depends on the child, the parents, the family circumstances...etc etc.

    Mrs Goodness - I think you (and the many others on here who seem to think like you) are falling into the trap of reckoning that home educated kids should be studying an identical curriculum to that studied by kids in school.

    There's no reason why that should be so...and no, the failure to follow the same curriculum or syllabus as your country's school system is not necessarily a negative. In many countries eg Australia, New Zealand, England, the governments themselves excuse homeschoolers from studying/following their country's national curriculum.

    As someone from our local education authority once told my mum: "The law says you have to provide your kids with an appropriate education...but nowhere does it define what

    an appropriate education is'.

  6. well i am homeschooled in 10th grade and to the woman who stated that its good if the parent is a college graduate blah blah...okay first of all. MOST homeschool programs now a days are cyber schools which means it is over the internet with ACTUAL teachers. anyone who has never been homeschooled or who has never had a child homeschooled basically should not answer this question. homeschooling is the best thing you could do for your child. it allows you to take your time and really focus, work at your own pace, and not have distractions like public school does. i was in public school up until 8th grade and i had a really bad time and i will never go back to a public school after being homeschooled, i do so much better. its really a great thing, and it changed my life.

  7. Homeschooling works for some and does not work for others.  But if i were to make a general statement, I would say you get out what you put into it.  If you know your child best, like most parents do, then ideally you should be able to be your child's best influence, both in life and in learning, by spending many hours a day with them, whether you do school-at-home or whether you do other types of homeschooling.  However, if you do not give your time to your child, then I would guess that homeschooling would not be a good choice for you or your child(ren).

    Oh, and while I do have a college degree, I do NOT believe that a homeschool parent "needs" to have a college education to properly homeschool their own children.  Heck, I have LEARNED lots while teaching my own children, and the oldest is NINE!  

    Oh, and for the record, the reason a "teacher" needs a college education and a license is because they are teaching OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN and they work for the GOVERNMENT.  You don't need a degree OR a license to teach your own child.

    Oh, and there are lots of college grads who cannot spell worth a darn.

    Can you comment more about your problem and such?  I think I need a clarification to answer your question best.  Is it that you think your sister does not have enough time at home to learn anything?  In what state or country are you living?

  8. You do not have to have 7 hours !! For good education!!!!!!!!! That is bad on kids and ! The fact is all the subjects can get done in lik 3 hours!

  9. if u want to finish school faster then u could take homeshool. But i think its harder because you have to do it by yourself home....if u won't cheat....if u don't care to go to college after skool...then its better to take homeskool.!

  10. I'm afraid I don't really understand the details, so I'll just have to respond to Mrs. Goddess.

    It's very true that not everybody should homeschool their kids. In fact, most parents don't homeschool their kids. I doubt we'd ever hit even 25% of parents homeschooling. I think it's currently something lik 1-2% of school-aged kids are homeschooled. Most parents won't even think about it, especially those who shouldn't do it.

    Mrs. Goddess has a certain ignorant, prejudicial attitude that may mean she would not be a good homeschooling parent. That doesn't mean that those who choose to homeschool are the same. Where lies her ignorance? In assuming that being a certified teacher is the only way you are qualified to be a teacher. Many private schools have uncertified teachers; they've been that way for over a hundred years. Private schools have still, on average, always outshone the public schools, which have required certification for sometime. It therefore does not logically conclude that certification means being a better teacher.

    What is certification for? It's the government's requirement for the schools they fund. The certification says that you have met a MINIMUM standard that they (the government) requires to teach in their schools; it says that people at the college/university have vouched for this. As one who has been through the teacher education process and has been a public school teacher, I will say that not having certification does not mean that you do not know what you need to know to be a good teacher. It just means that people can vouch for my meeting the minimum requirements.

    What you learn in your teacher preparation is learnable just about anywhere: time management, classroom management, using a teacher guide... The thinking skills and all that which come as a part of post-secondary education CAN be learned elsewhere; getting a degree just means that somebody else has vouched for you getting those skills.

    It's a shame that people are so jaded and believe we can not learn other than sitting in a room with other people, that they distrust themselves enough that they think they couldn't learn the necessary things to be good teachers to their kids.

  11. in 11th home schooling is much better then staying in the school

  12. Rabindranath Tagore, the Indian noble loreate poet had home schooling, his father arranged all specialist teachers for young Rabindranath. It is not an easy task for everybody to arrange so, again it is not easy for any student to put enough concentration in learning from such a system.

  13. Wait, what? I never spent 7 hours a day being schooled. I had lots of homework from my teachers, but that's because I was able to do the work on my own.

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