
Home schooling?????????????

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i am sick of high school.

i have to walk 2 miles everyday to school and back home.

kids throw rocks at me, honk really loud at me, and scream mean things at me walking home.

they don't acknowledge me at all. i feel so invisible.

it's not like i'm a little shy kid who stares at their feet and slumps over.

i don't dress revealing or anything.

my school starts on august 25th.

is it too late for home schooling?

what's home schooling like?




  1. I agree with Toni, talk to your parents. Homeschooling may be a good option for you. Look at http://www.virtualonlineschool.blogspot.... for some tips on talking with your parents.

    It's no to late to homeschool. Some states have public homeschool options that won't cost your family anything. Some people homeschool privately and that will cost you some money each year.

    Be sure and check out the laws for your state. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states but each state has different reporting requirements.

    Look here for the laws in an easy to understand format

    And if you decide to homeschool, make sure you get involved in a support group so you don't feel isolated.

    Best of Luck to you!


  2. As a homeschooling mom, I disagree with hlynda about homeschooling not keeping you "in touch with the latest academics" or that it does nothing for your social skills.  But, that's not the question you asked, so I won't even go there.

    You do need to let your parents know, as well as the school administrators and below, EVERYTHING that is going on.  You need to tell them who is doing this to you.  It's likely that you aren't the only one being bullied and harrassed.

    If that doesn't help, and your parents are in agreement, then it is not too late for homeschooling.  Many families choose homeschooling for reasons not much different than your own, and find they love it.  You will have the opportunity for social skills as you make them - extracurricular sports, activities, church, art classes, etc.  

    Regardless, the very first thing you need to do is talk to your parents.  And be open, honest, and polite.  Tell them you need their help to know how to handle this situation and what your thoughts/suggestions are at this point.  They may know EXACTLY what to do.  Give them a chance.

    Praying for the best....

  3. I don't know your age, but if you are close to 16, you'll be to drive soon and not have to walk so far. Isn't a bus available.? If people are throwing rocks at you, that is assault and should not be tolarated.

    Home Schooling varies from state to state, as far as the requirements. Your mom or dad will probably have to notify the Board of Education so you aren't considered a drop out or truant.

    Your county or city may have a home schooler association.

    You can get books from places like Christian Book Distributers.   Also see if there is a Gateway program near you.

    I wish you the best.

  4. Have you told school authorities what happens when you walk home?  They need to know...what is happening to you is assault and harassment...its illegal...drop the names...let admin. take a shot...if necessary, call the law.  Is it possible for you to ride the bus?  Usually 2 miles is enough to qualify for a bus ride.  You don't want to alienate your self from everyone.  Keep your social skills.  What needs to happen is some punishment for the bullies.  As a teacher, if you don't speak up, no one can help you.  Home schooling does not keep you in touch with the latest academics requirements and does nothing for your social skills.  Talk to your school adminin. or counselor...

  5. I home school. It's a great opportunity, in my opinion, but make sure it isn't for the one problem and for lots of reasons. You need to change, get out of public school education and into your own groove.

    I don't agree with everything in this book, but "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" is good for teens starting to homeschool or unschool.

    Good luck in whatever you do.

    PS School is probably the worst place in the world to be 'socialized'. I think people are just afraid everyone will start homeschooling. If they think it's better (i do) THEY SHOULD :-)

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