
Home schooling resources online or in Louisiana?

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I was looking at the schools available in my area and, come to find out, the only schools here are the ones I went to when I was younger, all of which were sub par in education, library content, technology and staff training (in other words, the school was a joke) and, since I have a little one on the way, education is one of my major concerns for once they hit school age, however I do not wish to send my child to a sub par school and all the private schools in the area are Christian based, not an option!

So I was wondering if anyone knew of any good home schooling resources, online or in the state of Louisiana.

I want my child to have a good education and the schools here just can't give them that. (I learned more on my own than I did at these so-called schools)




  1. Hey don't pick on my High school too bad! LOL! I graduated in La as well and found the same thing. I wouldn't send my kids to a private school in this state either (and I am Christian)! Home School here is so easy. If you want I can e-mail you a copy of the letter we use to HS under option 2 (private school). If you haven't done so yet look at the laws at HSLDA

    For Curriculum we use Sonlight but it is Christian. If you wanted to you could skip the Bible lessons. A few people here use K12 and from my understanding it can be secular. You have to search to find what you are looking for. Also try to find a curriculum fair. You might find something there that appeals to your family.

    I don't know where you are but in St Tammany they have an awesome Home school group that offers a Co-Op. If you are in Tangipohoa, or Washington it's the only group in the parishes.

    Feel free to email me with any questions! Good Luck!

  2. look at abecca they are a great source for learning, another option is you can go to the public school and they provide the books for your child, I used abbeca from wich isn't all christian booke but lots of study books.

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