
Home sick :(? how do I move on?

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I moved to a different state 3 years ago and still cry every night because

I miss my home, its everything i know and love, i was born there and my whole life happened there. Im over being so hurt, i often look at houses and dream of moving back but i cant. i have met a great guy, we are engaged yet sometimes i think i would give him up to be home. we have made big plans to do renovations to the house so we cannot move now :( i fear i will never have a home again.

what can i do to make this go away.




  1. If you plan on marrying this guy then you should be able to easily express your feelings to him. I was going to say that once the renovations are done and you put a lot of yourself into it you may find that now it feels like YOUR home. Maybe you just need a small vacation back to visit your family.

  2. I moved to canada from england 3 years ago aswell and i et very home sick but i find that the best cure for being homesick is speaking with family and friends from where you are from. They will always keep you in check and let you know that its going to be ok. I also visit once a year and have the time of my life. What i know aswell is that my family and friends will always be there no matter how long i am gone for and you moved away for something great (your fiance).

    i have constant communication with everyone and as cheesy and silly as it sounds they always find a way to make me laugh by telling that its still as crappy as it was when i was there lol.

    Its no good crying because you will just waste happy days of your life that you should be having. Home is there if you need it but you have so many good things where you are now aswell. As long as you keep a healthy balance everything will be fine.

    MSN, The Phone, and email are your friends aswell they can always keep you in touch with people close to you.

  3. .. I really feel for you :(

    If its any consolation, I'm moving to France on my own in a few weeks. I'monly 19, and I'm moving for a year. I'm very scared.. to the point were  I've cried myself to sleep a few nights. How can this help you? Well, just think you'll still be in the same country as your home, I won't. And people around you speak the same language.

    Honestly, you will still be in your mother country, appreciate that.

    I wish you luck

  4. try some activities that you enjoyed at home, where you live now.

    for example, if you loved to play mini golf at home.

    find a great putt putt place where you live now.

    this doesn't necessarily mean that it will be just like home, but it could comfort you a little. it takes a while to get over being homesick.

  5. Your WHOLE life happened back "home?" You mean your whole life just came to a screeching halt when you moved? And you love nothing about your current home?

    Wow. I bet your fiance would be rather hurt to hear that. And any friends you have there.

    What's so bad about where you are now? And I don't just mean location. You obviously moved to your new location for a reason. What was that reason? Didn't your life improve at all? Wouldn't you have never have met your fiance if you hadn't moved?

    It's nice to be nostalgic, and to remember fondly the days gone by, but you can't live in the past. You have to keep moving forward. And things always seem like they were better as time moves on. Things probably weren't as great as you remember them.

    Now if things are really THAT awful, you don't have a job that you earn enough to live comfortably, high crime, or you just flat out don't like the place, then move.

    Perhaps there are opportunities back in your home town for you and your finance that would give you both a better life. But don't just go running home because your afraid to face your future.

  6. You move on by realizing and accepting you have a new life, if you didn't want to move you should have said something before the fact and not after. Take accountability for your choices. Just remember you can go back to visit. Give this new place a chance.

    Also if you pretend how you feel,  you are setting your self up for failure, its not noble, its deceiving and not fair to your partner.

    you will just end up resenting everyone and yourself for it.

  7. If this has been going on now for 3 years yes you should see someone and investigate if their may be some slight depression and what should be done to remedy it.

    It sounds like your doing everything you can by  telling your man whats going on with your feelings.

    It's good that you were able to go home for such a long visit.

    Can you email your loved ones? How about starting your own website as a journal on what your doing with your house/what is going on in your life. This will give you an outlet and a way for your family to see what your up to.

    If you can keep the lines of communication wide open between you and your family it will make things much better. Lets face's not the place you miss so's the people!

    I feel you girl. Hugs.

  8. you definitely could be depressed.  talk to your fiancee about the way you are feeling and then get some help from a therapist or ask your doctor about medication.

  9. as they say, home is where the heart is.  i'm sure everyone at home misses you as much as you miss them, but this is a normal part of life.....moving on.  you're not doing yourself any favors by sulking around.  if you're that bad off, move back.  but i think you owe it to yourself to give where you're currently at another chance.  there could be great things about where you live now, but you're so wrapped up in constantly comparing everything to home, you're not giving it a fair chance.  like it or not, it's your home now.  you should really try to find a way to enjoy the things your current location has to offer.  but again, if you are still, after 3 years, having such a hard time that you cry everynight, it might be time to head back.  

  10. You need to talk to this man about how you feel, maybe he would be willing to move back to your home with you.

  11. Do something else to get it off your mind or talk to the guy

  12. Think about the fun you are going to have and dont stop thinking about it but dont start telling yourself that you are going to miss home or you are missing  and you will pull through Good Luck :P

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