
Home study?

by  |  earlier

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First let me start by saying I understand and agree with the homestudy.

What I don't understand is why does it cost $850.00 plus $300.00 post placement plus $30.00 per hr. drive time plus $0.34 per mile?

Would this money not be better spent if it is applied to the birth or to the birthmother expenses? It can't honestly cost $1200.00 plus to look at our house and have some coffee does it?

We are beginning to feel that this is more about the money than the families and the child.




  1. Ding, ding, ding, what have we got for them Johnny!!!

  2. Infant adoption in the US does seem to be all about the money....sorry but this is a fact!

        ---- adoptive mom

  3. Where do you live?  My home study fee is included in the adoption fees.  And if it expires (its only good for one year) it only costs us $350 to have it renewed.

  4. You are correct, adoption IS about the money.  You got the money - you get the baby.  The expectant mother don't got the money - she loses the baby.

    BTW - I know this is a waste of time BUT:

    The woman whose child you are buying is not a "birth" mother until she signs TPR.  Until then she is plain old mom.  Please, could you show her a little respect?  This is her only time with her baby.

    ETA - Your home study was a 20 minute walk thru???  LOL as you say, that's a joke.  How NOT reassuring for women who are thinking about adoption for their precious children.  These claims of so called homestudy-ready families are a joke.  The SPCA requires more investigation to adopt a dog.

  5. wouldnt it be good if you gave the money to the birthmother so she didnt have to give her baby to you. what a sick system that you are a part of. how will you explain it to your adopted child. we paid the agencies for you while your blood mother got no help.  be sure to buy donuts to impress the baby broker.

  6. You are getting off SOOOOO cheap. Really!!

    Don't forget all of the "extras"!!! And there will be extras.

    And Yes it's all about money, is sad. I didn' mind the amount, I would have given everything I have, but It's about where it goes.

  7. Are you working with an agency social worker (SW)?  They're much more expensive than a local city SW.  The one advantage I found for using an agency's SW is time (they can usually do it faster.  The adoption center employees work- their services are not free.  Do you work for free?  Anyway, I think the prices you mention are quit average.

  8. Now you're starting to get it!

    I'd suggest going through DHS.  The homestudy is free.  Matter of fact, the entire adoption process is free.  AND, the icing on the cake, you'll be giving a home to a child who NEEDS one.

    Good luck!

  9. I went through the state and my homestudy was no charge!

  10. That's actually not bad as far as homestudy prices go.  The $850 is to pay the salary of the caseworker/social worker, the time required to review your file, travel to your home, conduct the interview, write the report, etc.  The $300 post placement is the same.  Obviously the $30 and mileage is just that - to pay the mileage.

    The homestudy fees are one of the few that are easily justifiable.  It's a service being performed on your behalf. A $20k/30k "agency fee" - that's where it gets a little harder.

    If you are questioning anything about the fees you are paying - ask for a breakdown of where that money is going.  How much is for the actual expenses? (Care and counseling of the mother, medical expenses, legal fees)  If you are doing a domestic adoption, how much goes to their advertising budget?  (Yes, advertising)  If it's an agency where you are not charged specifically for the expenses of the mother you are matched with, how much goes to the "pool" - the money that they use for counseling/care of mothers contemplating adoption who decide to parent.  If they aren't willing to share at least a basic understanding of these specifics with you - look for another agency.

    ETA - Wow, twenty minutes? Did you have a separate interview?  We had 7 hours of interview - 4 together, then 1 1/2 hours for each of us separately and then a completely separate 2 hour home visit.

    Twenty minutes? Really?

  11. Please.  I went to undergrad and got a degree, then grad school for another four year degree, and then sat for and passed two state boards for licensure, and another board for clinical licensure on top of that.  And, to go out and inspect your home, family and lifestyle, and ASSESS that your are mentally, physically and emotionally healthy enough to appropriately raise and support a child, and put a child's entire life in your hands while risking your licensure, is worth every penny!  And then some.

  12. I had 2 home studies through the state agency and they were free.  I spent a total of $35 on each adoption by doing the paperwork and filing myself.

  13. Having never been involved in a home study I can't answer your question. I do know that it does depend on the agency.

    The only thing I can liken it to is when we had to do an intervention on a family member in an addictive behavior crisis and those ranged  from $3000 to $7000.

    I couldn't understand the price difference and exactly what the money went to either.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

    And yes, I think it can safely be said that in some cases it IS more about the money then either the child or the family.
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